
Gmail How to documents

Setting up a forwarding address

Setting a forwarding address.mp4

If you already use a Gmail account with Chrome it is recommended that you add an additional person to Chrome. This will allow you to easily switch between your Gmail account and your OCMS account. If asked click "link data".

Adding another account to Chrome.mp4
Setup Outlook PC.mp4

Adding your OCMS account to Outlook Windows (Minimum requirements Office 2016 or 365 required) The latest version of Office can be downloaded from the following location using your OCMS account.

Outlook Mac.mp4

Adding your OCMS account to Outlook Mac (Office 2019 or 365 required)

Download Office Mac.mp4

Download Office

Advanced Setting for Email clients. If you email client does not support Gmail directly you will need to use the setting below.

Incoming Server: imap Requires SSL: Yes Port: 993

Outgoing mail (SMTP) server Requires SSL: Yes Requires TLS: Yes (if available) Requires Authentication: Yes Port for SSL: 465 Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587

Gmail Tips

Gmail Priority Inbox

NEW Gmail (2018) Top 6 features here

Find emails using Gmail's search

Use Filters, Manage Spam & 'Unsubscribe

Delete, Archive, Receive spam

Gmail help.mp4

Google Tips from Dr David Brunt