Sometimes Education Jargon can be confusing!  Don't be afraid to ask if there is something that you are unclear about.  

See below some basic MTSS key terms:

The instructional strategies used routinely with all students in a general education setting are considered “core instruction.”

Tailoring instruction for ALL student's readiness levels, interests, strengths, and learning preferences. 

The curriculum and/or strategies taught are specifically designed to develop the skillset for understanding and managing emotions, building resilience, problem-solving, and developing healthy relationships. Students learn from explicit instruction as well as from the actions and behaviors they are observing from others. 

Intervention is a program or set of steps to help students improve in a specific area of need. Intervention can provide support with academic, behavioral, and/or social-emotional needs. The interventions provided to students should be research-based, explicitly matched to student’s needs, set for a certain number of weeks, and then frequently reviewed for progress.

Universal screeners provide valuable information about each student's areas of strength and need, and can offer a snapshot of progress over time. Screeners are given at regular intervals during the school year. The data from universally screening students helps educators keep abreast of any changes in student learning.  

MTSS, as a foundation, provides academic, behavioral, and social-emotional interventions organized into tiers (or levels) of support. 

Progress monitoring is used frequently to assess a student’s progress to determine the effectiveness of intervention support provided to a student.