Parent Communication

Seesaw: Seesaw is an app to help students create digital portfolios. The teacher can create different folders for students to submit work into (videos, pictures, presentations, documents, etc.). Parents have the opportunity to sign up for Seesaw in order to see their child's work. Parents will only be able to see their own child's work, therefore keeping the privacy of the other students in the class.

Class Dojo: This is an online behavior management app for teachers and parents. While I use Class Dojo in the beginning of the year, I slowly wean off of using it. Good student behavior is an expectation that should be intrinsic for our students. They shouldn't behave well just when they are going to receive an award. The main reason I like, and use Class Dojo, is for the parent communication ability. Each parent is able to message me individually through Class Dojo with any questions they may have. I am also able to post to the Class Story feature. This allows me to share any updates, pictures, videos, or handouts that have been sent home.

Purple Slips: The purple slips were implemented schoolwide this year. These slips are an opportunity for adults at our school to "catch" students being kind to one another, or to "catch" them working hard in class. We ask students to do a lot throughout the school day, and this is a nice way to acknowledge their kindness and hard work at school. The student will receive the Purple Slip filled out from the adult who noticed their kindness or hard work, and the child will be able to take it home to their parents.

Agendas: Students fill out their agendas on Mondays. They will write in their homework, events occurring that week, and notes to parents if needed. This is a great way to keep parents up to date with what is going on in school each week. I also let parents know that they can communicate with me through their child's agenda if they do not have the capability to email or use Class Dojo. Some parents will choose to write a note to me in their child's agenda regarding homework, or an event that is happening that week. I can then respond the next day to keep them in the loop.

Email or Phone Calls: I give all parents my school email and phone number within the first week of school. Parents can call or email me with any questions, concerns, or needs they may need to communicate with me. I will also call parents regarding their child if this communication is needed. This could be regarding their child's behavior, an incident that happened at school, or a concern that I may have.