
Storytelling in science and conservation

The Ocean KAN Seychelles (Blue Economy Research Institute, University of Seychelles), Western Indian Ocean Early-Career Scientists Network (WIO ECSN), and the Ocean KAN International Project Office organised a special session on sharing conservation stories at the WIOMSA Symposium, October 2022.

Below, you will find links to the stories of four Western Indian Ocean early-career professionals, and a step-by-step guide to help you share your own story via video storytelling.

Our hope is that this initiative will inspire many others to engage in storytelling.

Scientific Narrative Toolkit.pdf

Video storytelling toolkit

Using video narratives to communicate your science: A step-by-step toolkit

This toolkit will take you through the basic steps of developing your storyboard and filming and editing your video. It also provides resources for further reading and suggestions for free software to use.

The guide was developed by Melissa Cervantes, hosted at the Ocean KAN International Project Office, in the framework of the Global Sustainability Scholar program.

Complementary resources:

Conservation stories by Western Indian Ocean early-career professionals

For more information, please visit:

Aina Le Don (Madagascar)

Title: ARMS Restore-Fisheries Research Team

Ceiça Chioze (Mozambique)

Title: The beauty of marine sciences: Young people in marine science and career aspirations

Randall Mabwa (Kenya)

Title: Sauti Baharini ("Voices from the ocean")

Annie Vidot (Seychelles)

Title: Conservation at heart

Past Ocean KAN presentations and sessions

Presentations introducing the Ocean KAN

Session at the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022
The Ocean KAN hosted a half-day innovative session on the co-design of ocean science at the OSM2022, including plenary presentations, a panel discussion, and local hub events. A resource page resulting from this session will be shared shortly. In the meantime, you can already
view the plenary presentations here.