Real time
To run real time
Console.bat and type:
sailShapePlus.exe -i configFiles/configRealtime.ini
Important to get the option on the config file.
runtype = realtime ; options [realtime|post]this will be
This will start an infinite process that check the images that are loaded on the
base_folder = images\test\input
Every image will be loaded and the process will run every 5 seconds if there is a new image on the input folder.
This will create the following folder structure at the
output_folder = images\test\output
Notprocess: images that the process is not able to detect lines
Original: with the original images if needed to be processed again
Output: the files with the lines draw if you want to see the realtime output
Configuration file syntax
General program run parameters
runtype = realtime ; options [realtime|post]this will be
debug = False ; Shows debug messages for developing and error detection
output_remove = False ; remove previous runs
Integrate to FARO system
This configuration option send to a socket. On the configuration we can set up the UDP socket connection to:
IP and POST. Also if you need it to retry and how long between the retries.
This is the configuration you must add to integrate faro or any other UDP system.
It will send the following NMEA sentence
First paramenter is the second the picture was taken. The rest is repeted for each line that we want to get.
Example of 3 lines sentence:
Parameter are:
Sendinfo: False if we don’t want to send this info, it is the same as deleting the entire line from the config file.
IP,PORT: to be send where the UDP socket is listening.
Retry,secondswait: send the same information the number or “retry” and wait “secondswait” between each retry.
sendinfo = False ; send information True or False
ip =
port = 5005
retry = 5
secondswait = 5
Text Output configuration
Size is the line size and fontScale is the size of the text. You have to play around with the size and font scale. The size is bigger depending on the fontScale. It is the height of each line.
margin_left = 500
margin_top = 500
size = 120
fontScale = 3