WCSS Library
How We Can Help
Book recommendations
Research help
Database help
Writing and essay help
Just to Chat!
Our library provides:
Space for collaborative learning
A large collection of fiction and non-fiction books accessed by a computer catalogue
Encyclopedias available online in French & English
Online research databases
Computers for student use
Borrowing policy:
Student identification cards must be presented in order to borrow library material
Books are available for a 3-week loan period and may be renewed, provided no one else has reserved the book
Students may borrow up to 6 items at a time
Digital Lending Library (DLL):
Students can borrow a DLL Chromebook for the school day
DLLs can be signed out before school from 7:45 - 8:00 am or during lunch 10:45-11:30 am
Students must have their student card to borrow a Chromebook
DLLs will not be signed out during class time
DLLs must be returned at the end of the day