How to Conduct Research

Click below for online writing help!

When you begin your research, remember to evaluate your evidence for trustworthness and validity within the field you're researching.

Visit Brookfield HS Library HERE

Available Databases

Here is a great Tracking Sheet from John McCrae Secondary School

Library Purple Sheet.doc
Coding Text.pdf

Helpful Notetaking Strategies

You should not be writing down every word on the slide during each lesson. Explore the notetaking strategies shown here and find the style that works best for you. If you have another way that works for you, I'd love to learn about it!

Five Notetaking Methods.pdf
Annotating a Text.pdf

Using Research Databases in Senior Science

Remember ALL science research sources must be referenced in APA format.

Academic Search Engines and Articles for Science

Grade 11 example

3U Biology Practice Article.pdf

Conducting Scientific Research in Junior Science

Remember ALL science research sources must be referenced in APA format.

The Inquiry Process in Science

Grade 10 examples

It is important to understand the purpose of the different databases available to you when you're conducting research. For example, when starting your research or looking for a wider overview of your topic, Encyclopedia Britanica (first) is a strong resource. When you are looking to learn greater detail and conduct/answer more in-depth research questions, the database EBSCO (second) is a good place to start.

Science Reference Center.pdf