Spartan Studios (Tech)

Spartan Studios

Would you rather not be on the stage but still want to be part of RHS Theatre Family?


Why? Gain skills and experience in stage management, light design, sound design, backstage and pit.

What is it? A team that gathers to run assemblies, theatre productions, Arts Night and anything else that is in the Auditorium.

How? You will be trained to run tech (Sound and lighting boards), how to maintain a backstage (coil cables, striking sets, etc) and how to design sets (woodworking, painting, sketching, sewing, etc).

Who? This team is lead by Miss. Lavallee and Mrs. Gandhi. Any questions or concerns, please ask them!

When? We meet every TUESDAY after school to workshop, practice, or help with assemblies/plays. We will be training new members in February!

Important Dates:

  • Decemeber 21: Xmas Assembly

Set Design

We teach students how to plan, budget, prepare and build sets, costumes and make up.


Learn how to properly light actors and create light designs, hang lights and patch lighting boards.

Stage Management

We bring in experts for workshops so students can learn how to coil cables, use different styles of mics, and talk to professionals.