
Login Issues

I am getting an invalid login message. What do I do?

Make sure you are using your OCDSB email address and password provided for that email account.  If that does not work confirm your login credentials with your teacher. 

I am getting an error message saying the system is down for maintenance. What do I do?

Sometimes the cache needs to be cleared or there may be updates needed. Clear your cache and check for Chrome updates. If you are unsure of how to clear your cache, follow these instructions: Clearing your Browser History

If that does not fix the issue email for assistance.

I can't remember my password. What do I do?

If you do not know your password, please contact your teacher to reset your password. If you are receiving the following error message: "Your account or password is incorrect. If you don't remember your password, reset it now."  Please make sure you are using the password assigned to you. 

Course Troubleshooting

I am taking an eLearning course but I do not see it under "My Courses" widget or "My Courses in Other Orgs". When should I see it?

If you are taking an eLearning course within the OCDSB your course will appear in the My Courses widget, or if you are taking a course with another board it will appear in the My Courses in Other Orgs widget on the Student Landing page.  The course may not appear until the start date.  If your course does not appear in the respective widget after the course’s official start date, contact your Guidance Counsellor immediately for assistance.

I want to link my Google Account, how do I do that?

Follow these intructions: Linking Google Account - Student

I have completed an assignment but the next unit is not appearing in my course.  What now?

Sometimes content is released based on all conditions being met. Make sure that you have read carefully and completed all the requirements such as checklists, discussion posts, etc. to allow the next unit to open.  If after confirming with your teacher that all the requirements have been met but you are still unable to see the next unit, have your teacher email

I tried to submit an assignment to the Assignments Tool but it doesn’t seem to work. What is the problem?

Make sure that the name of your file does not contain special characters like an apostrophe or a question mark.  If you have any special characters in your file name, try renaming it and submit it again. If that does not fix the issue, email for assistance.