Extra Curricular Opportunities


Throughout the year various opportunities will be available for intermediate students to participate in intramural sports during one of the 2 breaks in the day. Soccer, volleyball, basketball and open gym are typically what takes place, but there may be other opportunities than what are listed from year to year. Intramurals are often run by intermediate student leaders and are supervised by intermediate staff members.

Athletic Sports Teams

Many of the sport teams run at Bell High School for the Intermediates are the same as other school sites. Cross country running, volleyball, ice hockey, basketball, soccer, badminton and track and field are some of the sports provided for students. Sign-ups are throughout the year and they are supervised by various intermediate staff members. Depending on the sport, practices take place before and after school, as well as during one of the breaks in the day.


For those students not interested in sports, Bell High School provides other opportunities for intermediate students to participate in various activities during the 2  breaks in the day. Previous clubs that have been run for the intermediates are: Board Games club, Chess club, Visual Arts club, Homework club, Robotics club, and the UN club. These activities are supervised by intermediate staff members and other clubs may be available during the year.