Lisgar Collegiate Athletics Information
Athlete Transfer Form
Have you Transfered to Lisgar from another high school?
All grade 10 to 12 students new to Lisgar must see the Athletic Director (Mr.Ruff) to apply for athletic eligibility.
THE TRANSFER POLICY APPEAL FORM must be completed and returned to The Lisgar Physical Education Office as soon as possible.
Lisgar's Athletic Director, will help you complete this form and will submit it to The NCSSAA for approval on you behalf.
Transfer students can not compete on any sports teams until approval has been granted by The National Capital Athletic Association (NCSSAA) .
Junior and Senior Age Classifications for the 24/25 school year
Eligibility is determined by year of birth NOT grade level. Here are the age restrictions for eligibility
Scores Standings League Schedules
Updated information for Lisgar Teams and All Nation Capital Athletic Association (NCSSAA) High Schools can be found on