Working together in a partnership, parents and school personnel can ensure that all the learning needs of the child are met through ongoing communication, cooperation, active participation and sharing of responsibility. www.ocdsb.ca
Where to get learning support help?
For students who are already connected with one of our Educational Assistants (EAs) or Learning Support Teacher (LSTs): Students can reach out to the EA or LST by email or ask your teacher to contact Room 300 to ask for support.
For all students:
To get help with English and Math from the school board: Register for free tutoring through our school board. Many of the tutors speak other languages including Somali and Arabic. Sign up here for OCDSB Virtual Homework Help Grades 7 to 12
There is also a provincial math support through TVO which provides 1:1 math help to students in grades 6 to 11. More information can be found at www.tvomathify.com/students
For English Language Learners - there is extra help with the ELL homework club with Ms. Cochrane and Ms. Schuster in room 227 every Tuesday at lunch
Stay organized! Tip: use an agenda (paper or electronic), make note of all due dates and plan your study/work time in advance
Bring your binders to class! Tip: make a binder for your two morning classes and a different binder for your two afternoon class
Email teachers if you need something or are going to miss school
Check your Google Classroom every day
Do your best to finish all your homework
Stay on top of your classes because the work will build up quickly
Pack a solid lunch, Bring a water bottle
Use your locker before and after school and at lunch. Tip: you won't have time to get to your locker in the 5 minutes in between classes, so plan ahead!
Get involved both in clubs and in your new classes, they’re both great ways to meet new people
Get help from teachers and your classmates as soon as you need it