
Read a book or have someone read them to you!

You can also do both, read and or listen, here at Storyline Online.com

Listen to a read aloud by Ryan and Craig - two men with an amazing sense of humour. They make every story they read fun!

Open Library has thousands of books available for free!

Visit the website and sign up for an account.

Books that are freely available for reading or download will have an open book "read" icon next to them.Books that have a "borrow" closed book icon next to them can be borrowed for up to two weeks.

The International Children's Digital Library has a collection of over 4000 books in 59 different languages. You can search for a book and read away or create an account to keep a bookshelf of books you like!

Unite for Literacy is a great website that provides free access to digital books.

You can choose to have the books read to you not only in English, but also in many other languages.

Listen to books read by Astronauts from the International Space Station! Visit Story Time from Space.

Log in to Sora using your OCDSB username and password and read the many e books all available for free to OCDSB students!

Starfall is a wonderful resource for Grades PreK- Grade 3. Children will learn reading using a combination of phonemic awareness and sight word vocabulary.

Tumble books are animated talking picture books!

You can access this resource through the Ottawa Public Library. Please login with your Library card and pin.

Just Books Read Aloud is a free website where you can listen to 1129 Children's books read aloud. You can choose by story length or even by Author or Narrator. They also have read alouds in French, Italian, Japanese & Deutsch.

Visit eBooKids to read ebooks in English, Spanish or French! There are more than a 1000 books available for you to enjoy.

Love Robert Munsch?

Visit his website to listen to him read his books! You can even download the Mp3's to listen later.

Listen to Author and Illustrator Oliver Jeffers read his books and talk about how he made them!