Student Names: Yoni, Bella, Julie, Maram, Ilica

Project GOAL

  • What was the mission or aim of your project?

Our group's focus was on educating the next generation of kids to help improve climate change and our ecosystem, as well as having them learn to grow their own food in an effort to combat climate change.

  • Why was this your mission?

This was our mission because we have learned about the massive increase in greenhouse gasses in the past couple of decades. The reason that it has been increasing dramatically is largely attributed to fossil fuels burning, factories releasing smog into the air and loss of land to urban cities. These are some of the serious issues that caused us to want to teach younger generations. We are already seeing major losses of species such as polar bears and coral reefs. They are going to be the ones that have to live with the consequences of losing these species as the natural order of things is thrown off. We want them to start taking even small steps towards reducing their carbon footprint in order to combat climate change so they can live to see how beautiful our world actually is.


  • What action did you take?

We educated students on climate change and the impacts that it has. We also showed them ways to help battle against climate change and how easy it can be.

  • How did you get your audience involved?

The way we involved our audience is by having them build their own garden which helped them see how easy it really is to take action into their own hands and help reduce global warming. We also created fun games to help keep the kids interested in the lessons so we did hangman as an example with words that are related to climate change and global warming like Carbon dioxide, Greenhouse gases and more. Which not only kept them involved and they enjoyed it but they also learned a lot about the matter because they got to do everything hands on which helps learn. In Mrs Quinnell's class we also do a lot of hands-on work which helps us learn more than we think so we also did this with the kids because we see the great results its doing.

  • How did you educate your audience about the issue/event. Include images from your social media campaign.

We read books to the students on climate change. As well as teaching them how to make a plant with a pop bottle planter to show them how to recycle. Moreover, we played climate change games to keep the audience engaged in the project.


  • What impact did you have?

In order to combat climate change, we need to start the younger generation off young. We influenced the kids to start being more conscious about their consumption of produce and the effect on climate change for when that produce is shipped to us, how what fossil fuels and greenhouse gases produced here (Canada) effect the arctic negatively and what actions we can take to reduce our carbon footprint.

  • How successful was your action (its OK if it didn't go as planned)? Did you meet your goal?

We would say that we were successful. With minor bumps in the road, mostly due to COVID, we were able to thoroughly educate and help the children with any questions they had. Our original plan was to go see them in person and physically help them build the pop bottle planters but due to COVID we could not. But, even with this set back we were able to see the kids through google meets and answer any questions they had. We met our goal of educating the kids and they all seemed pretty happy in the end.

  • What contributed to your groups success (or lack of success)?

COVID restrictions were a big attribution to why it didn't go as well as we first planned. But, we were able to work around it and tried to think outside of the box for ideas to be with the students while following COVID precautions. Nonetheless, the project was successful and we couldn't have done it without the help of the resources in school.

  • What would you do differently if you could?

We would plan more lessons and teach more classes so they can be more educated about this ongoing issue, preferably being able to see them in person as well.


  • Pitch a next phase for your project.

In the next phase, we would like to see our project going into other classes and teaching them. However, these classes would be with older students (higher grades; high school, college, etc), as we have only been teaching elementary students. We believe in expanding our audience especially to older kids and young adults. Due to the fact that children, teens and young adults are the future of this world, so by teaching them about making their own gardens, resulting in easier food access and less plastic (pollution, excessive amounts of plastic into less because we would not be using as much plastic since we do not need to go to the store and buy everything that it usually wrapped in plastic) they will hopefully help make a grand, beneficial, change in our current and future climate.

  • Inspire a future group of students to pick up where you left off.

It would be amazing if a or multiple groups of students could pick up where we left off and start educating older grades. We hope they know that this is to better their, their friends, and their families future life. This is because making a change now, by reducing plastic being bought; due to growing your own plants and not having to go to the store to buy fresh produce (fruits, vegetables, etc) that are all wrapped in plastic.

  • Why is this an important cause? Why should they continue with it?

This is an important cause because it is going to help bring more awareness and teach the younger generation more on how much our world is declining and how they can help make our world more safe and healthier to live in. We should continue this because of the positive impact on our Earth's environment. This positive act being we are able to have a positive impact on kids, if we continue to spread the word about climate change and how its effecting the earth more people will want to participate to help our planet.

  • Where would you like to see it go next.

We would love to see this project to continue growing into more classes and school in Ottawa because of the joy it brings the kids learning in fun ways and at the same time do great things for the environment.

Self reflection on the project and what we each enjoyed doing!


I really enjoyed teaching kids and really learn about all the small things that humans can do to improve the climate and help reduce global warming. I really love the oceans and seeing what's happening to it because of global warming is very upsetting so taking small action will do a lot in the long run. These are just some of the things that I really enjoyed doing in the action youth project.


I enjoyed interacting with the students and seeing how happy learning about this topic made them. Moreover, just knowing the fact that we made a small impact on the world and informed people about how to prevent climate change is the best feeling because its just a step closer to stopping climate change.


For me personally, i really enjoy teaching younger kids because they are always so sweet and open to listening and learning! I think we were so fortunate to be able to have taught these kids and hopefully at least a few went home and explained our project to their parents. This is in hopes that the parents would consider message and adaptation (for the better of our climate now and in the future) to society we are trying to make.


I had a great time teaching and reading to the kids. I think they really understood what we were saying after we explained, and I could see their excitement when we gave them the plants. Seeing that these kids are gonna be more conscious about consumption makes me happy because even the small things help combat climate change.


I personally really enjoyed teaching the kids and seeing how interested they were on this topic, I also really enjoyed putting the kits together and the thought of having just a small impact to help the earth even just a little bit makes me really happy.

These are the certificates we gave for the kids for doing our project.

This is one of the fun icebreaker activities we did with the kids at the beginning to start exposing them to the different aspects that can be affected by climate change.

This is one of the many books we have read to the kids to teach them about climate change, global warming and more.

Our first Instagram post introducing the project .

These are some of the photos we took while trying to grow our own plants to learn how to grow them so we could teach the kids!

with special growing lights

with lamp light