NEW to Arch Street PS  2023/2024

The Forest of Reading® is "Canada’s largest recreational reading program! This initiative offers ten reading programs to encourage a love of reading in people of all ages. The Forest helps celebrate Canadian books, publishers, authors and illustrators. More than 270,000 readers participate annually from their school and/or public library. All Canadians are invited to participate via their local public library, school library, or individually (Forest of Reading / Forest de la lecture).

The Forest of Reading Award Programs "are where children and young adults pick the winner! Readers choose a program that they would like to be a part of, usually based on their age or grade, and simply begin reading! They can read all ten of the titles, or pick and choose to read only the ones they are interested in. Participants are encouraged to read at least five of the ten titles to be eligible to vote in April. This program aims to encourage a genuine and life-long love of reading among readers of all ages" (Forest of Reading / Forest de la lecture).

*Arch Street PS wishes to thank everyone at St Aidan's (Elmvale Acres)
Anglican Diocese of Ottawa for their generous donation that has allowed for us to implement this wonderful program.

Stay Tuned!!


Forest of Reading