
To establish the Technology Council, I had to apply my leadership, critical thinking, communication, and organisational abilities throughout this service as action. Helping the community, organising events, etc has helped me better understand my creative skill sets, as well as my strengths and shortcomings. I've observed that I excel with problem solving since I came up with immediate solutions to challenges. This allowed me to create an event of a much higher standard than last year, the Hackathon. On the other side, communication was one of my shortcomings, and I believe I need to strengthen my communication abilities, which I employed throughout my project. I could have improved the explanations in my presentations and the voice overs in my videos, but I did a good job overall. I also established my knowledgable IB learner profile and my inquirer IB learner profile since I learned a lot about coding while creating the course and I asked for help when I needed it.

My proposal stated: "general goal is to change people's perspective towards technology. More specifically, I aim to work towards enriching the Technology Council so as to help the school community (students + teachers) learn and utilise technology at its best! I also aim to provide fun-filled events developing the students holistically."

This project has extended my knowledge on service learning because this project has taught me how helping others will also benefit you by giving you a lot of experience and knowledge about the specific field and help you have a better understanding about the topic you are teaching the audience. This project has helped me to understand more about coding as a concept and has helped me have more experience in teaching others which will come in handy. Service is always a good thing for the community and service for a good cause like reaching one of the sustainable development goals of the UN will always benefit the community and help the society as a whole and help individuals in that society.