Electrical System Simulation

Electrical System Simulation (ESS)

The Electrical System Simulation (ESS) Pilot will hold a series of meetings with rural residents of the Ottawa Municipality, using a prototype simulation game, to focus discussion to help neighbours develop an informed assessment of their community’s electrical system needs and appropriate new technologies. The pilot will be, in light of the experience and feedback from participants in these meetings, tested and revised to make it an effective vehicle for conducting community meetings across Ontario.

The outcomes of the ESS are to strengthen and energize Ontario communities as follows:

To use a simulation with a board and cards to structure a series of community discussions in West Carleton and Ottawa, generally, around the introduction of new technologies to the hydro grid. Specific outcomes include

This builds on the experience of OBEC since 2010 in holding community sustainability meetings across Ottawa with community associations, schools and other organizations.

With strong help from CAFES – Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability https://cafesottawa.ca/ (of which OBEC is a member) and EVCO – Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa. https://evco.ca.

Current version of ESS Technology Cards.  More are added and existing cards are edited each time the game is played.