Oregon Battle of the Books

What's happening?

This popular statewide reading competition has been in the news because of controversy over one title for 2018-19.

16 books were selected for the Grade 3-5 competition, one of which is about a transgender 4th grader.

OBOB is a voluntary program; titles are not part of the official curriculum or required reading for any student.

"You may feel that the content and/or theme of one or two of the titles are inappropriate for your child.

Not all OBOB team members are required to read all books on that year’s list, and students should not be assigned specific books to read for a grade if students or parents have reservations about the content suitability of that title."

- Oregon Battle of the Books Committee

Gender Expression & School Curriculum

  • The Oregon Health Education Standards address gender expression from elementary through high school. For example, these are two performance indicators for grade three: HE.1.3.11 Recognize differences and similarities of how individuals identify regarding gender or sexual orientation & HE.1.3.12 Recognize the importance of treating others with respect regarding gender expression and sexual orientation (p. 12).
  • This Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Oregon document addresses gender identity and expression. View the chart on p. 3 to see where gender expression is addressed across grade levels. Also it notes that school curriculum should use "inclusive materials, language, and strategies that recognizes different sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expression" (p. 1).
  • The Oregon Department of Education also issued Transgender Student Guidance. "The guidelines are intended to suggest best practices and to provide a foundation for the educational community to build safe and supportive school cultures" (p. 2).

ODE Contacts

Sasha Grenier (503-947-5689), Sexual Health Education & School Health Specialist

Suzanne Hidde (503-947-5960), Health and Physical Education Specialist

Karin Moscon (503-947-5706), Civil Rights Education Specialist