Interactive Stations

Inspiring Stars is an itinerant international exhibition promoted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to highlight world initiatives that address the concept of “inclusion” at outreach, didactic, and professional aspect, using astronomy. The resources presented here are part of existing global initiatives (identified and gathered through an international open call issued in 2018). Being inclusive both in its goals and practices, the exhibition develops itself along with the new environments it visits, assimilating best practices from around the world and highlighting different local initiatives, therefore strengthening global ties between the communities.

Blind user explores through touch a tactile grid.

Tactile CARDIS

Tactile grid for teaching mathematics, including the conversion between Cartesian and Spherical coordinates.

Credit: Kathy DeGioia Eastwood (Northern Arizona University) & Wanda Diaz Merced, IAU Office of Astronomy for Development


Visually impaired young girl explores a tactile constellation through touch, being guided by an educator.

Tactile Models & Sonification Project

Computer display translating astronomy measurements into sound.

Credit: Beatriz Garcia / Office of Astronomy for Development, Argentina, South Africa


Three spheres atop a table. Tactile models of the Moon, Mars and Venus.

3D Planets & Moon

Participants will be able to experience planet Venus, Mars and Moon surface features trough touch.

Credit: Amelia Ortiz Gil. Universidad de Valencia, Spain


Two Subaru 3D models are side by side with the caption "The Subaru Telescope tactile models: the detailed version (left) and the simplified version (right) Go to the Subaru Telescope models page"

Tactile Subaru Model

Participants will be able to experience the Subaru Telescope trough touch.

Credit: Kumiko Usuda-Sato, Japan


Eclipse Soundscapes logo, consisting in a yellow circumference, with a black circle where Eclipse Soundscapes is placed. Uneven gray bars are drawn in a black background similar to sounds bars in a music display.

Eclipse Soundscapes

The Eclipse Soundscape Project brings the awe and wonder of the eclipses to people who are blind or visually impaired in real time using innovative but accessible technology.

Credit: Dr Henry "Trae" Winter III, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

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A man and a woman stand behind a table with various tactile resources.

3D Tactile Models

A selection of 3D printed tactile astronomy models and associated activities, including a tactile Hubble tuning fork diagram, a tactile H-R diagram, various 3D models of Eta Carinae, and a 3D model of the constellation Orion.

Credit: Dr. Thomas Madura, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at San Jose State University in Silicon Valley California, USA


A right hand touches a visual and tactile tilted panel where you can read "Sense the Universe with your eyes, hands and ears".

Sense the Universe

Sense the Universe is a multisensorial representation of the invisible Universe addressing three senses: sight, touch and hearing.

Credit: Stefania Varano, Italy


Various hands explore through touch a miscellaneous of materials sitting atop a table.

Inclusive Science Education (Biology)

Will show three-dimensional tactile models incorporating technology to display auditory information, including an example of enhanced 3D printed prototypes.

Credit: Cristina Reynaga, Mexico


User places an Earth-like sphere painted blue and green close to the detector to ear the different colors.

Inclusive Telescope

Both sighted and blind participants will be able to observe the Sun.

Credit: Allyson Bieryla; Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, USA


Two men are depicted in this photos. The one to the left looks at a laptop screen and the one to the right speaks to a microphone. Both have headphones in their heads.


StarSound data sonification tool to enhance and accelerate discovery for research, citizen science, and inclusion.

Credit: Garry Foran and Jeffrey Cooke, Australia


A table with tactile images is displayed. Four people interact with the images through touch leaning on top of the table.

Astronomy Tactile Posters & Books

Braille and tactile illustrated posters in English on galaxies, Sun, etc.

Credit: Amy Hansen and Kimberly Arcand; Harvard Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, USA