
Copy of KS3-Spelling-Lists.pdf

week 1

Accommodation to beautiful.

Week 2

Learn beginning to material 

Week 3

Learn Conclusion to Diamond

Week 4

Learn Diary to fufil

Week 5 furthermore to jealous

Week 6 Knowledge to murmur

Week 7 Necessary to process

Week 9: Proportion to separate

Week 10: Sequence to Survey 

Week 11: Technique to Women

Week 12: Accommodate to Beautiful

WEEK 18 

Learn: connoisseur to grievance - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you, also make sure you know the meaning! spend 5 - 10 mins a day learning them

Learn: Science to Competent - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you, also make sure you know the meaning!

Learn: Miniature to Seize - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you, also make sure you know the meaning!

Learn: illuminate to Mediterranean - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you, also make sure you know the meaning!

Learn: Embarrass to illiterate - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you, also make sure you know the meaning!

Learn: Colleagues to efficent - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you, also make sure you know the meaning!

Learn: Accommodate to Correspondence - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you.

Learn: Advise to too - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you.

Learn: Technique to Women - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you.

Learn: Skilful to survey - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you.

Learn: Questionnaire to Shoulder - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you.

Learn: pattern to proportion - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you.

Learn meanwhile to participation - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you.

Learn improvise to sincerely - Write them  down in your spelling book to help you.

Learn explanation to imaginary