Parents Support 


Year 7 - History

Here you have access to the Y7 History long term planning.

Y7 History Long Term Plan.docx

Below you can find the Y7 medium term planning.

Yr 7 What is History Plan.docx
Yr 7 Roman History.docx
Yr 7 1066.docx
Yr 7 Medieval Life.docx
Yr 7 Henry VIII and religious change.docx

Year 8 - History

Here you have access to the Y8 History long term planning.

Y7 History Long Term Plan.docx

Below you can find the Y8 medium term planning.

Yr 8 Henry VIII and religious change.docx
Yr 8 Elizabeth I.docx
Yr 8 Black People's of the Americas.docx
Yr 8 The Suffragettes.docx

German Long Term Planning

LTP Y7 German.docx
LTP Y8 German.docx
LTP Y9 German.docx
LTP Y10 German .docx
LTP Y11 German.docx
LTP Y13 German.docx