Oakland Early Childhood Ecosystem Data Portal
Oakland’s early childhood community has a wide variety of research and data on our Early Childhood (EC) Ecosystem. The Oakland ECEcosystem Data Portal is a tool for families, educators/providers, policymakers, advocates, and funders who seek to leverage data to understand our early childhood landscape and strengthen systems for young children and their families.
The Oakland Early Childhood Ecosystem Data Portal is managed by Oakland Starting Smart and Strong, an early childhood collaborative that envisions a city where all Oakland children, families and early educators flourish. Learn more about our reports, tools, and latest work. Thank you to our partners at OUSD, First 5 Alameda County, and others who have contributed to this portal. For more information, contact info@oaklandsmartandstrong.org.
Website Navigation
Early Development Instrument (EDI) Dashboard: A community snapshot of how systems are supporting the health, development, and school readiness of OUSD Kindergarteners.
Preschool Experience Dashboard: An overview of the types of preschool and early learning experiences OUSD Kindergartens had prior to enrollment.
Oakland ECEcosystem Asset Map: A map of early childhood community assets across Oakland and neighboring cities; includes links to local resources
Oakland Early Childhood Data Profiles: These profiles can support advocacy with elected officials and serve as tool for learning more about the early childhood landscape in Oakland.
Data Profiles of Young Children in Oakland: The Data Profile of Young Children in Oakland highlights critical data relevant to the well-being of young children ages 0-5 in Oakland, their families educators.
Oakland ECEcosystem City District Profiles: The Early Childhood Ecosystem (ECEcosystem) Profiles present data specific to each City Council district within Oakland.
First 5 Alameda's Child & Family Data for Action: City of Oakland (2023)
First 5 Alameda's Oakland City Profile: Early Care and Education Data (2022)
Additional EC Data: Oakland has many early childhood data resources.
General Data Resources: This page lists general data resources relevant to early childhood, Oakland, and information about demographics and systemic concerns more broadly.