Special Dietary Needs

Accommodating Children with Special Dietary needs in the School nutrition program

When the food service department is asked to make a menu substitution for a student, it is the responsibility of the parent/ guardian making the request to submit a properly filled out and documented medical statement form. Please call the Food Service Department if you need a copy of this form.

The federal regulations state that “ schools shall make substitutions in foods… for students who are considered handicapped …and whose handicap restricts their diet. Schools may also make substitutions for non – handicapped students who are unable to consume the regular lunch (breakfast) because of medical or other special dietary needs.”

Parent / guardians need to fill out a medical statement form and must have a physician signature.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Katie McConkie

Phone: 248-589-7935

Email: Katie.McConkie@lamphereschools.org