Xia Lab Positions

We have an immediate opening (2019.12) for a Postdoctoral Associate in microscopic MRI (µMRI) of cartilage. If you are interested and qualified, please contact me directly.

We have openings for energetic graduate students who want to join our research.


A postdoctoral position is available immediately in microscopic MRI (µMRI) study of articular cartilage. This position is funded by a multi-year R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) till 2022. The project aims to determine a set of multidisciplinary molecular parameters that best describes the early changes in osteoarthritic cartilage in animal models and human at microscopic resolution. Quantitative correlation with the whole-body clinical MRI of cartilage and joint is also a part of the research plans.

Our preferred candidate should have PhD-level training and experience in advanced NMR/MRI experiments and instrumentation (e.g., pulse programming). Candidates with working skills in connective tissue biology and other imaging modalities would have unique advantage. This position requires a PhD in physics, biophysics, medical physics, bioengineering, or a closely related field. 

The successful candidate will join a unique research lab that is famed for its multidisciplinary microscopic imaging studies of cartilage and related musculoskeletal tissues. Our µMRI system is a Bruker AVANCE IIIHD console with a 7T vertical-bore magnet (running ParaVision 6). Other major equipments in our lab include a polarized light microscopy system (Leica DM RXP with two digital imaging setups), a Fourier-transform infrared imaging system (PerkinElmer Spotlight 300), a microscopic CT system (Skyscan 1174), a mechanical system (EnduraTec ELF 3200), and the full set of equipment for histology and analytical chemistry. More information regarding our lab and some of our recently completed projects can be found from our website.
Oakland University is located in suburban Rochester, Michigan, in north Oakland County, which boasts one of the most picturesque and safe campuses in the country. 

Interested individuals should send their CV, statements of research experience and research interest, and the names, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of at least three references to: 
Professor Yang Xia
Dept of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309, USA 
Tel: 248-370-3420; Fax: 248-370-3408; 
E-mail: xia@oakland.edu
Web: http://www.oakland.edu/~xia/XiaLab_index.html.
OU is an equal opportunity employer.