
Chris McDonough presented the results of his work on DL for MPI image reconstruction at ISBI'24 in Athens Greece.

Chris McDonough is awarded the Provost Graduate Student Research Award - Winter'24 for his proposal "Next-generation Magnetic Particle Imaging Device Proposal", congratulations!

Chris Bastajian won the best undergraduate talk award at the Eastern Great Lakes Section (EGLS)  APS 2024 meeting!

Chris Bastajian presented at EGLS APS 2024 at Kettering University MI.

With Dr. Tobias Knopp @ 13th IWMPI Flüeli-Ranft, Switzerland (March'24), 

session: Signal Encoding / Imaging Concepts II (Photo by T. Buzug)

Chris Bastajian presented the results of his work on MPI image reconstruction at APS EGLS in Cleveland OH in October'23.

Chris McDonough received an APS Estern Great Lakes Section (EGLS) graduate student best presentation award during Spring'23 meeting at OU for his talk: "A single sided Magnetic Particle Imaging scanner for cancer screening".

12th IWMPI: March 22-24, 2023 | Aachen, Germany

Summer 2021 - Lab moved to Oakland University Physics Department!