Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be a student in the School of Health Sciences or interested in community health to participate in the CHEER Lab?

No! The CHEER Lab is open to students who are interested in a variety of topics and careers within all aspects of health.

There is a specific project or topic that I want to research. Can I do that in the CHEER Lab?

It's great that you are passionate about a specific topic! The CHEER lab works on a model of students working on faculty-led research projects. It might be possible to work on a project that is closely related to your passion, but there's no guarantee that faculty will have projects available that are directly aligned with your topic.

Will the CHEER Lab help me with my class research papers and projects?

While the CHEER Lab is not a tutoring service, it will provide training on many skills and topics that will be helpful in completing school research assignments. In addition to completing research skills training, the CHEER Lab Director and Graduate Research Assistant can provide research skills-based support and guidance when completing tasks related to the CHEER Lab and faculty-led research projects. It can also help connect students to research opportunities.

For assistance with understanding non-CHEER Lab assignment and/or project requirements, reviewing and editing papers for a class assignment, and other specific questions, please consult your professor or visit the resources below:

How much of a time commitment is the CHEER Lab?

Students can expect to dedicate 3-4 hours per week to completing lab-related tasks in IPE 1020. Once students begin working on faculty-led research projects in IPE 3020, the time commitment will vary based on the project and student availability.

How long can I be involved in the CHEER Lab?

The minimum length of participation is one semester to complete IPE 1020. Students may enroll in IPE 3020 for as many semesters as desired, pending approval by the CHEER Lab Faculty Director.

When can I join the CHEER Lab?

Students may join the CHEER Lab at any time during their undergraduate career. Applications are due in the second week of each semester. A student who applies for the CHEER Lab after the deadline will be considered for the following semester. Apply today!

Is the CHEER Lab open to graduate students?

At this time, the CHEER Lab is designed to provide undergraduate students with research skills training and opportunities to be involved in research.

Why are the CHEER Lab courses 0 credits?

0-credit courses provide evidence of the work you do by showing up on your transcript. 0-credit courses do not cost you any money to enroll.

Will a 0-credit course impact my GPA?

No, 0-credit courses do not impact your GPA. Students will receive a satisfactory grade based on completion of materials and engagement in the lab.Â