UPCOMING EVENT: Nature's Comfort

Hosted by CASE-OU

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Join us via Zoom: tinyurl.com/CASEatOU

Nature possesses a rhythm that pulses through the seasons. Much of it is predictable but surprises abound. Seeing an out-of-season Hermit Thrush perched on a birdfeeder one cold January morning or finding a Birdfoot Violet flowering in the fall has surprised me. Surprises await you, just go out and look at the natural world around you. Don Drife, nature photographer, will share his perspective on nature as a source of comfort, and his experiences photographing it.

Featuring Don Drife

Donald Drife has been studying the natural world in Michigan for over 50 years. He is a lifelong member of the Michigan Audubon Society and a longtime member of the Michigan Botanical Society, now serving as president of the Southeastern Michigan Chapter. He blogs at michigannatureguy.com and presents programs about the natural world for local nature groups. Don also serves as the botanist for the Royal Oak Nature Society, identifying plants in the city’s two nature parks. 


Don received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 2015 from Oakland University, majoring in

English.  He also belongs to the Photographic Society of America, competes in their international photographic salons, and has won six medals to date. His work has appeared in Echo Cognitio and Bear River Review, and in his blog at michigannatureguy.com.


Don would like to dedicate this talk to the memory of his mentor and friend Professor Linda McCloskey who encouraged him to write and truly live.