OAKE Equity
Organization of American Kodály Educators
OAKE’s Commitment to Equity
"The members of OAKE are committed to championing diversity, welcoming all people, and advancing inclusivity and equity for all. Inspired by Zoltán Kodály’s unyielding assertion that music belongs to everyone, we affirm that music is a fundamental aspect of shared human experiences. As such, we pledge to promote active music-making merged with intentionally respectful practices as the basis of comprehensive music education."
We recognize that working to advance inclusivity and equity for all is ongoing work that we must do together.
If you have been witness to something positive that supports OAKE's Commitment to Equity, or have suggestions that might help in advancing this commitment, please fill out this contact form.
If you have been witness to any potential bias or discrimination resulting from OAKE's policies, procedures, or practices, please fill out this Incident Response Form.