9DGT Start of Course

House Keeping


Class rules

Logging On

Schoology & Website

Getting to know you

Complete the survey and pre-test


Your H drive

Any work you do on a school computer that needs to be saved on the computer should be save in your H drive. This means you can access these files anywhere in the school and also at home. If you download images or other files they will be in your downloads and you either need to move the original (cut and paste as you can't drag and drop) or make sure when you open and save you save in your H drive.

Sync your Google account

In your browser if you can't see your bookmarks then you need to sync your account.

To do this:

    • click your little profile pic top right of the URL bar

    • Then click the Sync button

    • When the white box appears click 'LINK DATA' and this will link your account info up.


Make sure your bookmark key websites for school including Schoology and our DT website


If your internet is not working and you are connected to the network you may need to login to Linewize (sometimes you have logged in and the connection drops and you will need to do again)

File Management

Whether you are on a school computer, google drive or your own computer you should be making sure:

  • you have folders for each subject

  • you place your files in the relevant folder

  • you are naming your files appropriately to reflect what it it so you don't have a million 'untitled'

  • know where your work is (especially on your own device)

Typing Skills


Sign Up with Google and USE YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL

Task 1 | Recording your race data in A Spreadsheet

You are going to collect your typing speed data throughout the course in a spreadsheet using Excel or google sheets.

  1. Open Excel by clicking on the magnify glass in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

  2. Type Excel in order to find the program and click on it to open it.

Input your data like in the image above.

Save by pressing File > Save > Browse

Save your file as "TypingData.xlsx"

Task 2 | How much do you know about Digitech SOFTWARE?

Try Gimp & make a Hybrid Animal

(5 Minutes)

Open Gimp (it's already on the computer so use the magnifying glass) and make a hybrid animal. Like ------------>.

Some things to have a go at:

  • how do you get an image?

  • how do you import an image into Gimp?

  • how do you edit the image?

  • what different tools are there and what do they do?

Try Inkscape & make a Snowman

(5 Minutes)

Open Inkscape (it's already on the computer) and make the most realistic snowman you can.

Some things to have a go at:

  • how do you make a shape?

  • how do you layer shapes?

  • how do you change the colour of the stroke and fill?

  • what different tools are there and what do they do?

Try Scratch & make a program

(5 Minutes)

  1. Create an account on scratch using your school e-mail https://scratch.mit.edu/

  2. Create a new project

  3. Make a program that:

    • The user types in their name, and a number

    • Gives the user a personal greeting by name, and multiplies the number by 10