GLASS Project

About GLASS Projects

The projects for Tandon Honors students in the Global Leaders & Scholars in STEM program consists of a culmination of various experiences, research, and interests related to the Tandon Areas of Research Excellence. Scholars are also required to address the NAE Grand Challenges and think about the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals when doing so. At the end of the 3 years in the GLASS Program, students have a better understanding of the impact they can have on changing the world for the better. GLASS students enter the world as globally competent and socially responsible innovators and engineers!

Mission Statement

I'm interested in the NYU Robosub project for several reasons. Firstly, the field of robotics, especially autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), fascinates me due to its potential for addressing real-world challenges in areas like marine exploration, environmental monitoring, and underwater archaeology. Having worked with Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) actuators with subsea X-mas trees over my summer internship, working directly to produce something similar is something of great interest to me. The ability to create a machine that can navigate and perform tasks underwater autonomously is both exciting and meaningful.

In terms of what has been done and my contributions to the NYU Robosub project, I've been part of a team that works on designing and developing the AUV. Specifically, my involvement in the mechanical team, where I am now am the current mechanical engineering team lead. We've collaborated with various teams within NYU Robosub to design the underwater vehicle's mechanical structure, ensuring it can withstand the underwater environment's challenges.

In anticipate a growing interest in marine robotics and AUVs in various industries and research fields. As mentioned before, we already use ROVs to control deep sea X-mas trees for the oil and gas industry. In addition AUVs and ROVs are extensively used in marine research to explore and study the ocean's depths. They can collect data on oceanography, marine biology, geology, and underwater archaeology. These vehicles are employed to monitor and assess the health of marine ecosystems, track pollution, and study the effects of climate change on the oceans.

Render of AUV Designed

UN Sustainability Development Goals/NAE Grand Challenges

The UN Sustainable Development Goal that this project will plan to tackle is to “build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation” (United Nations). By focusing on cutting-edge technologies and emerging trends, the paper seeks to provide insights into the role of underwater robotics in addressing the global need for resilient infrastructure and fostering innovation in the maritime industry. AUVs are an integral part of combating climate change, adapting to changing environments, and building the renewable resource infrastructure that will reduce the effects of climate change in the future. Rising sea levels are an unfortunate symptom of climate change and AUV’s are the solution. Studies have shown that they are useful in monitoring at-risk coastlines for flooding. They are often used in underwater construction of seawalls and other mitigation measures. AUV’s can be used to monitor the health of marine habitats and ecosystems. Most notably, AUV’s are used to construct underwater energy resources like tidal or wave energy farms. The uses for AUV’s extends beyond just these sustainable applications, but when examining climate change solutions, AUV’s are often overlooked as an innovative solution for combatting a variety of issues.

The UN Sustainable Development Goal that this project will plan to tackle is to “build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation” (United Nations). By focusing on cutting-edge technologies and emerging trends, the paper seeks to provide insights into the role of underwater robotics in addressing the global need for resilient infrastructure and fostering innovation in the maritime industry. AUVs are an integral part of combating climate change, adapting to changing environments, and building the renewable resource infrastructure that will reduce the effects of climate change in the future. Rising sea levels are an unfortunate symptom of climate change and AUV’s are the solution. Studies have shown that they are useful in monitoring at-risk coastlines for flooding. They are often used in underwater construction of seawalls and other mitigation measures. AUV’s can be used to monitor the health of marine habitats and ecosystems. Most notably, AUV’s are used to construct underwater energy resources like tidal or wave energy farms. The uses for AUV’s extends beyond just these sustainable applications, but when examining climate change solutions, AUV’s are often overlooked as an innovative solution for combatting a variety of issues.

GLASS Final Presentation

GLASS Presentation

Final Paper

Elena_VuNam_GLASS Final Paper