Tristan Léger

Academic webpage

About me

I am a Postdoctoral Associate at New York University for the Spring semester 2024.

Previously I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton University (Fall 2020 - Fall 2023).

I obtained my PhD in 2020 at the Courant Institute (NYU) under the supervision of Professor Pierre Germain

My research is supported by the Simons Foundation through the Simons collaboration on Wave Turbulence.

My CV can be found here.

Contact information: 

List of my past and upcoming talks for the 2023/2024 academic year:

L^p bounds for spectral projectors on hyperbolic surfaces

L^p bounds for spectral projectors on hyperbolic surfaces

Internal modes and radiation damping for Klein-Gordon equations

On the cubic NLS equation with a trapping potential

L^p bounds for spectral projectors on hyperbolic surfaces

On the cubic NLS equation with a trapping potential

Soliton stability with non trivial linearization



I work on questions that arise in Mathematical Physics, and more specifically the long-time behavior of solutions to partial differential equations. I pursue three main lines of research:


Here is a list of my publications and preprints:

The corresponding preprints are available on my arXiv page.

Departmental activities

Previously I was a co-organizer of the Analysis seminar and the Analysis of Fluids and Related Topics seminar at Princeton.


I have taught the following classes at NYU:


Recitations (teaching assistant): 

