November 18-19, 2021

Tokenomics 2021

3rd International Conference on Blockchain Economics, Security and Protocols

hosted by New York University (held virtually on Zoom)

Tokenomics is an international forum for theory, design, analysis, implementation and applications of blockchains and smart contracts. The goal of the conference is to bring together economists, computer science researchers and practitioners working on blockchains in a unique program featuring outstanding invited talks and academic presentations. This year’s conference is hosted by New York University (NYU), and will be held remotely on Zoom. (Previous years:,

Keynote speakers

- Joseph Halpern (Cornell University)

- Catherine Tucker (MIT)

- David Parkes (Harvard University)

Topics of interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Distributed protocols for blockchains

- Consensus games and mechanism design issues of blockchains

- Lightweight protocols and networking issues of blockchains

- Fairness and Consistency (logical and economical) of blockchains

- Blockchain security, privacy and cryptographic tools

- Repeated games, collaborative games, reputation, algorithmic game theory

- ICO and cryptocurrencies, token valuation, governance and voting

- Trust models for blockchains

- Smart contracts and programming languages

- Interaction of supply chains and blockchains, with use of smart contracts

- Formal methods for blockchains

- Incentive theory and mechanisms design in DeFi

- Secure multiparty computations (SMPC, e. g, auctions with sealed bids)

- Multi-agent systems and machine learning techniques applied to blockchains

The program committee encourages the submission of original interdisciplinary works exploring the conjunction of economic concerns with distributed systems, networks and system security.

Award for the best paper

The Best Paper Award for Tokenomics 2021 is sponsored by the Blockchain & Platform Chair of the Ecole Polytechnique

Important dates

* Paper submission deadline: August 15

* Author notification: September 30

* Camera ready deadline (for conference proceedings): October 18

* Conference: November 18-19

Submission guidelines

The submission website is:

Submissions to the conference proceedings should describe novel, previously unpublished scientific contributions. They will be subject to peer review. Authors may submit only work that does not substantially overlap with work that is currently submitted or has been accepted for publication to a conference with proceedings or a journal.

Submissions can be made as “publication and presentation” (typical in computer science conferences) or “presentation only” (typical in economics conferences), under the following formats:

  1. Publication and presentation: 15 pages, including the cover page, figures, tables and references using LaTeX styple templates for OASIcs. A clearly marked appendix is allowed.

  2. Presentation only: PDF format, no page limit.

Submissions should include the title of the paper starting with the type of submission (“Presentation only:” or “Presentation and publication:”), authors’ names and affiliations, and a short abstract of the paper’s contribution.

All papers must be submitted electronically according to the instructions and forms found here and on the submission site. For each accepted paper the conference requires at least one registration. The registration to Tokenomics is free for all attendees.


Papers accepted for publication will be published in the conference post-proceedings. The submissions for presentation and publication in the conference proceedings should use the LaTeX style templates for OASIcs available at and not exceed 15 pages, including the cover page, figures, tables and references. The cover page should include the title of the paper, the authors' names, affiliations and e-mails, the contact author, a list of keywords, and an abstract of 1 to 2 paragraphs summarizing the contributions of the submission. A clearly marked appendix is allowed.

The authors of the best papers published at Tokenomics 2021 will be invited to submit the extended version of their paper to a special issue of the journal Theoretical Computer Science (TCS).

Program committee chairs

Computer science track:

Vincent Gramoli, University of Sydney and EPFL <>

Rafael Pass, Cornell Tech <>

Economics track:

Hanna Halaburda, NYU Stern School of Bussiness <>

Organizing committee chairs

Hanna Halaburda, NYU Stern School of Bussiness <>

Joseph Bonneau, NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences <>