
Share 1 quote from any of the 4 sources assigned that is meaningful for you. Include page number or timestamp of video. Include your name with your quote too. Sources include: “The danger of a single story” (Chimamanda Adichie); “The urgency of intersectionality” (Kimberle Crenshaw); Whose culture has capital? (Yosso); White Supremacy Culture (Okun)

Based on this week’s reading, trip or media, choose 1 term (single word or phrase) that you feel was integral to your learning. Post it along with an image that you feel represents this term. Include your name with your post.

Post one connection (text, self or world) to any of the readings/media for this week and one question you have based on any reading/media. Include your name with your posting

Choose a course concept connected with diversity or culture that you personally do not identify with but that you would like to integrate into your teaching or classroom. Create a Virtual Resource Shelf to help your students explore this aspect of identity, culture or intersectionality.