una pérdida

Choreographed by Arianna Sotero

Artistic Statement:

I strive to be honest in my movement, in the choices that I make for my body, and in the words

that leave it. Honesty and trueness to myself are essential.

I strive to remain curious and open, as the world is ever-changing and I am present and excited to

experience it, both as a dancer and as a human.

I strive to create space and change throughout my own experience that will provide for

generations to come. Art should be accessible to all and I hope to create work and opportunities

that will provide such.

I strive to continue to be grateful and give back in every way that I can.

Piece Description: una pérdida

...Spanish for “a loss”

Loss of a family member, loss of time, loss of a friend, loss of control, loss...

is intense, is all-consuming, is debilitating.

Loss is nearly impossible to encapsulate in words, in imagery, in any capacity without being felt.

So I chose to illustrate such a loaded, abstract concept through a gentle red thread that only

lightly restricts me. If only loss were so easy to remove and rid of.

My choreography was inspired by the performative and poised appearance one might display to

mask the damage loss leaves behind. It was also inspired by my selected pieces of music; while

both pieces are simultaneously beautiful and heart-wrenching, they are both very significant to

my life and the emotions that lead me to create this piece.

While thankful for what loss has taught me, I will never forgive what it has taken away.