GLASS Project

About GLASS Projects

The projects for Tandon Honors students in the Global Leaders & Scholars in STEM program consists of a culmination of various experiences, research, and interests related to the Tandon Areas of Research Excellence. Scholars are also required to address the NAE Grand Challenges and think about the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals when doing so. At the end of the 3 years in the GLASS Program, students have a better understanding of the impact they can have on changing the world for the better. GLASS students enter the world as globally competent and socially responsible innovators and engineers!

Mission Statement

I have always been motivated by the challenge of healthcare access. Currently, billions of people around the world do not have access to quality medicine or healthcare facilities. Despite the abundance of novel treatments for diseases like cancer, malaria, and even COVID-19, there continues to be geographic, economic, and political barriers that prevent the universality of healthcare access.

Access to healthcare is a widely-known issue, and there are hundreds of on-going missions to resolve this challenge. However, a general lack of global ethics, like savior complexes and unsustainable "solutions", have created an illusion that this global challenge is close to being mediated. In response, I am working on researching the needs of such underserved populations. By better understanding the problem, we can create better solutions.

My work and future plans revolve around using my research in bioengineering labs to design new models of treating infectious diseases and cancer-related pain. These new solutions and treatments have the potential to be used in a wider scope in regions that have limited access to medical care for such diseases.

Areas of Excellence

As students at NYU Tandon, we are constantly working towards the 7 Research Areas of Excellence: Communications/IT, Cybersecurity, Data Science/AI/Robotics, Emerging Media, Health, Sustainability, and Urban. These areas allow for students to place their research in a greater context of global challenges and needs, thus allowing our research to be meaningful and goal-oriented.

My mission statement relates to the health and urban areas of research excellence. Advancing healthcare research involves using prior findings to fuel exploration into future topics, like cancer and infectious disease. This is then coupled with the urban area of excellence, which studies the needs of populations and utilizes modern engineering to solve issues that face our society. Combining these two areas allows for the development of healthcare, but in a manner than still allows for maximum access to new findings and advancements. 

UN Sustainability Development Goals/NAE Grand Challenges

My mission statement revolves around the UN Sustainable Development Goal of Good Health and Well-Being, as well as the Global Challenge of Access to Healthcare. Currently, more than half of the world's population does not have access to quality healthcare, whether it be for financial, political, or geographical reasons. By investing in producing novel solutions which are cheaper and more accessible, we can forge new methods to decrease the lack of healthcare in several regions of our world.


Final Presentation-- Saee Patwardhan.pptx

Final Paper

Biosensors Publication.pdf