

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2012. Ethnic Minority Migrants in Britain and France: Integration Trade-Offs New York: Cambridge University Press

Terri Givens and Rahsaan Maxwell (eds.) 2012. Immigrant Politics: Race and Representation in Western Europe Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers


Marc Helbling, Rahsaan Maxwell and Richard Traunmueller. 2024. “Numbers, Selectivity and Rights: The Conditional Nature of Immigration Policy Preferences” Comparative Political Studies 57(2): 254-286.

Marc Helbling, Felix Jaeger, Rahsaan Maxwell and Richard Traunmueller. 2023.  "Broad and detailed agreement: Public preferences for German immigration policy" International Migration Review 

Eroll Kuhn and Rahsaan Maxwell. 2023. "Asylum seekers feel more welcome in counties with more foreign-born residents" West European Politics

Bradley J. Larsen, Timothy J. Ryan, Steven Greene, Marc J. Hetherington, Rahsaan Maxwell, and Steven Tadelis. 2023. “Counter-stereotypical messaging and partisan cues: Moving the needle on vaccines in a polarized United States Science Advances 9(29):1-15. 

Rahsaan Maxwell, Efrén Pérez and Stephanie Zonszein. 2023. “Basking in Their Glory? Expressive Partisanship among People of Color Before and After the 2020 U.S. Election” Journal of Experimental Political Science 10(3): 455-458.

Lukas Stoetzer, Simon Munzert, Will Lowe, Anita Gohdes, Başak Çali, Marc Helbling, Rahsaan Maxwell and Richard Traunmueller. 2023. “Affective partisan polarization and moral dilemmas during the COVID-19 pandemic” Political Science Research and Methods 11(2): 429-436.

Marc Helbling, Rahsaan Maxwell, Simon Munzert and Richard Traunmueller. 2022.  “The importance of citizenship for deserving COVID-19 treatment” Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 9(302)

Steven Greene, Marc Hetherington, Rahsaan Maxwell and Timothy Ryan.  2022. “Public Service Announcements and Promoting Face Masks During the Covid-19 Pandemic” PS: Political Science & Politics 55(1): 7-12. 

Tim Hanson, Marc Helbling, Rahsaan Maxwell, Richard Traunmüller, Kostas Gemenis and Levente Littvay. 2021. “Developing a COVID-19 module for the European Social Survey” Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences 3(9) 

Alan Jacobs, Tim Büthe, Ana Arjona, Leonardo Arriola, Eva Bellin, Andrew Bennett, Lisa Björkman, Erik Bleich, Zachary Elkins, Tasha Fairfield, Nikhar Gaikwad, Sheena Greitens, Mary Hawkesworth, Veronica Herrera, Yoshiko Herrera, Kimberley Johnson, Ekrem Karakoç, Kendra Koivu, Marcus Kreuzer, Milli Lake, Timothy Luke, Lauren MacLean, Samantha Majic, Rahsaan Maxwell, Zachariah Mampilly, Robert Mickey, Kimberly Morgan, Sarah Parkinson, Craig Parsons, Wendy Pearlman, Mark Pollack, Elliott Posner, Rachel Beatty Riedl, Edward Schatz, Carsten Schneider, Jillian Schwedler, Anastasia Shesterinina, Erica Simmons, Diane Singerman, Hillel David Soifer, Nicholas Rush Smith, Scott Spitzer, Jonas Tallberg, Susan Thomson, Antonio Vázquez-Arroyo, Barbara Vis, Lisa Wedeen, Juliet Williams, Elisabeth Jean Wood, Deborah Yashar. 2021. “The Qualitative Transparency Deliberations: Insights and Implications” Perspectives on Politics 19(1): 171-208. 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2020. “Geographic divides and cosmopolitanism: Evidence from Switzerland” Comparative Political Studies 53(13): 2061-2090. 

Lars Leszczensky, Rahsaan Maxwell and Erik Bleich. 2020. “What factors best explain national identification among Muslim adolescents? Evidence from four European countries” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46(1): 260-276. (Council for European Studies – Immigration Research Network Best Paper Award 2018) 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2019. “Cosmopolitan immigration attitudes in large European cities: Contextual or compositional effects?” American Political Science Review 113(2): 456-474. (American Political Science Association – European Politics and Society Section Best Article Award 2020, Migration and Citizenship Section Best Article Prize 2020) 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2019. “Everyone deserves quiche: French school lunch programs and national culture in a globalized world” British Journal of Sociology 70(4): 1424-1447.

Rahsaan Maxwell and Lucie House. 2018. “Evaluating the character of people who insult the nation: Implications for immigrant integration” Political Psychology 39(2): 325-343.  

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2017. “Occupations, National Identity, and Immigrant Integration” Comparative Political Studies 50(2): 232-263. Supplementary Appendix (American Political Science Association – French Politics Group Best Paper Award 2014) 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2017. “Racial equality in France and the United States: Media coverage of professional tennis players” Ethnic and Racial Studies 40(4): 656-674. 

Rahsaan Maxwell and Michaela DeSoucey. 2016. “Gastronomic cosmopolitanism: Supermarket Products in France and the United Kingdom” Poetics 56: 85-97. 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2015. “Perceived Discrimination across Institutional Fields: Racial Minorities in the United Kingdom” European Sociological Review 31(3): 342-353. 

Rahsaan Maxwell and Erik Bleich. 2014. “What Makes Muslims Feel French?” Social Forces 93(1): 155-179. Supplementary Material (Association for the Sociology of Religion – Distinguished Article Award 2015) 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2013. “The integration trade-offs of political representation” European Political Science 12(3): 467-78. 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2013. “The geographic context of political attitudes among migrant-origin individuals in Europe” World Politics 65(1): 116-55. 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2010. “Evaluating Integration: Political Attitudes Across Migrant Generations in Europe” International Migration Review 44(1): 25-52. 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2010. “Trust in Government among British Muslims: The Importance of Migration Status” Political Behavior 32(1): 89-109. 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2010. “Political Participation in France among Non-European Origin Migrants: Segregation or Integration?” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 36(3): 425-43. 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2009. “Caribbean and South Asian identification with British society: The importance of perceived discrimination” Ethnic and Racial Studies 32(8): 1449-69. 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2008. “Incorporation, Expectations, and Attitudes: How Ethnic Minority Migrant Groups Feel about Mainstream Society” Du Bois Review 5(2): 387-412. 

Rahsaan Maxwell. 2006. “Muslims, South Asians and the British Mainstream: A National Identity Crisis?” West European Politics 29(4): 736-56.