Policies and Procedures 

Policies define a set of rules and procedures are the instructions for how policies are to be achieved. Developing policies and procedures are essential for a safe and productive implementation of animal assisted therapy. Specific measures must be covered when developing policies and procedures including patient exclusion criteria, infection prevention, safety, COVID-19 protocols, and therapy animal and human volunteer requirements. 

Patient Exclusion Criteria 

Infection Prevention 




Association of Animal Assisted Intervention Professionals. (2023, October 16). AAAIP Competencies. https://www.aaaiponline.org/assets/docs/AAAIPCompetencies.pdf

Miller, J. (2020). Animal-assisted interventions: Impact on patient outcomes and satisfaction. Nursing Management, 51(4), 16-23. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NUMA.0000657240.17744.1b