Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Disruptive Technologies

How burgeoning technology from AI to FinTech to MedTech to social media are reshaping how we work, live, and learn

8:30 - 9:00

Check-in and Light Refreshments


Opening Remarks

Dr. Noel Anderson, Executive Director, Office of Leadership & Innovation, Clinical Professor, NYU Steinhardt

9:15 - 10:15

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work

Description: A facilitated conversation on the impact of artificial intelligence on the future of work and the workforce.

Moderated by: Dr. Lisette Nieves, President, Fund for the City of New York, Distinguished Clinical Professor, Educational Leadership, NYU Steinhardt


Break 10:15 - 10:25

10:25 - 11:25

How We Will Learn: Education and Inclusion in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence

Description: A facilitated conversation on education and inclusion in the age of artificial intelligence.

Moderated by: Fatiah Touray, Executive Director, Inclusion and Equity, NYU Abu Dhabi


Break 11:25 - 11:35

11:35 - 12:35

Tech Disruption: Cross-Sector View 

Description: A facilitated, cross-sector conversation on the potential and actual technology disruptions.

Moderated by: Imad Nassoura, Secondary School Principal, ICS Paris


Transition Break for Lunch 12:35 - 12:50

(attendees will grab lunch and return to the conference for the lunch panel discussion)

12:50 - 1:50

Research in the Age of Generative AI: Implications

Description: A facilitated conversation on the impact of generative AI specific to research.

Moderated by: Dr. Noel Anderson, Executive Director, Leadership and Innovation, Clinical Professor of Educational Leadership


Break 1:50 - 2:00

2:00 - 3:00

Does Media Control the Message? Conflict and Peace in a New Age

Description: A conversation on the role of technology in social movement and global change in times of conflict and peace.

Moderated by: Dr. Carol Brandt, NYUAD Vice Provost and Associate Vice Chancellor, Global Education and Outreach



Closing Remarks