Research Conference


Each year the Undergraduate Program in Applied Psychology organizes a conference at which a select number of students with senior status present their independent research proposals and projects on a variety of topics as either poster or oral presentations.

This website features the posters that were created by the students for this event from 2016-2018. For posters created between 2010-2015, visit our poster archive.

Students interested in learning more about the Undergraduate Research Conference are invited to attend an Undergraduate Research Conference Information Session.


To present at the Undergraduate Research Conference, you must (a) be enrolled in the Applied Psychology Undergraduate Program, and (b) and have senior status at the time of the conference.

Presentation Formats

Most presentations at the Undergraduate Research Conference are in poster format. Students giving poster presentations will prepare a poster that comprehensively summarizes their project. Posters will be displayed for an hour and a half, during which time presenters will have the opportunity to discuss their work with those attending the conference.

A limited number of presentations at the Undergraduate Research Conference will be oral presentations. Students giving oral presentations will have up to 20 minutes to present their work, followed by 5 minutes to answer questions from members of the audience. Oral presenters are expected to use PowerPoint.

Application Details

All students interested in presenting their work at the Undergraduate Research Conference (either in poster or oral format) are required to submit a completed application. In addition, applicants who express interest in giving an oral presentation at the conference or do not have a preference for the presentation format will be expected to give a brief (5 minute) oral presentation (using PowerPoint) of their work before a committee of faculty, who will use those presentations to assess the students' work and oral presentation skills.

As space in the program is limited, submitting an application does not ensure acceptance. Incomplete applications or applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Requirements of Presenters

All students whose work has been accepted for presentation at the Undergraduate Research Conference will be required to attend individual and group meetings during the two months prior to the conference. During this time, presenters will work with the program director and graduate students to prepare their presentations for the conference.

Additional Conferences for Student Research

L. Starling Reid Undergraduate Psychology Conference (University of Virginia)

Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (UCLA)

The Western Psychology Conference for Undergraduate Research (WPCUR)

Stanford Undergraduate Psychology Conference