
Be the first of your friends to complete a bar crawl in Manhattan of NYC by returning home with the most stars to win the game!


New board, with key and the instructions embedded on the board

Chance Cards

Location Cards

Home Cards

Metro Cards

Set Up:

Each player starts by selecting a marker color

Each player is then dealt 5 Location Cards and each player may discard 2 cards and get back (from the deck) 2 new cards.

Players also choose a Home Card to decide their starting and ending points (Indicated on the game board by a flag)

How To Play:

To begin, players roll the 12-sided die to decide who can start their bar crawl first.

To move around the board on their turn, a player can move their marker the number of local stations, along existing subway lines, that they have rolled towards their Location Card destinations (bars). To transfer subway lines (e.g. transfer from the Q to the F at 63rd Street) the player must use one of their moves from the die roll.

If players go through one or more Express Stations, they have to pick up one Chance Card and follow the written instructions immediately. They should also continue moving by the number they have rolled. If they draw an NYPD card, then they can keep that card and use it once at any time during the game.

When players arrive at a bar, they receive a Metro Card which will allow them to travel express for one turn, whenever they choose to use it.

Players may switch directions once during their turn. See below:

At the start of a player's turn, they may request more bar cards to win more Stars. This counts as a turn. Player draws 3 cards from the Location Card deck and chooses which ones to discard (must keep at least 1 card) .

First player to get to their Home ends the game and the player who has the most Stars at that time wins the game.