
A week-long interdisciplinary Twitter chat and campaign #LanguageIsAVerb that took place in October 2020. Led by Clara Bauler and @TESOLBiMulti as well as myTESOL, this online chat sought to affirm the right to be multilingual in all its forms, with its fluidity, hybridity, and identities, while in addition it provided sites of resistance against linguistic discrimination. The planning and designing team included an incredible group of multilingual language educators and professionals located in the US, Sweden, Brazil, Germany and the UK: Vanja Karanović, Constanze Ackermann-Böstrom, Malwina Gudowska, Alia Amir, Ching-Ching Lin, Ruth Kircher, A.R.Shearer, Tasha Austin, María Rosa Brea, J. P. B. Gerald, John Rihalf, Anna Belew, Warda Farah, and Madalena Xanthopoulou from We Live Languages. Figure 3 details the prompts and activities we engaged in for 7 days. Our Mapping our Languaging Journeys and Legacies Project follows this work!

#LanguageIsAVerb Week-At-A-Glance    

#LanguageIsAVerb Multilingual Hashtags
Dr. Alia's tweet with a poem about a multilingual father