
Fictional Reality (with  Ben Holguín). draft


Imaginative Hopes and Other Desires (with Margot Strohminger). Analysis, to appear. draft

Attitudes, Presuppositions, and the Binding Theory. Journal of Semantics, to appear. draft published

Attitude Verbs' Local Context (with Simon Goldstein). Linguistics and Philosophy, 2023. draft published

Wishing, Decision Theory, and Two-Dimensional Content. Journal of Philosophy, 2023. draft published

Inheritance: Professor Procrastinate and the Logic of Obligation (with John Hawthorne). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 2023. draft published

On Preferring. Linguistics and Philosophy, 2022. draft published

Desire (with John Hawthorne). Philosophers' Imprint, 2022. draft published

A New Hope (with John Hawthorne). Journal of Philosophy, 2022. draft published

A Problem For The Ideal Worlds Account of Desire. Analysis, 2022. draft published

Wanting What's Not Best (with John Hawthorne). Philosophical Studies, 2022. draft published

Pronouns as Demonstratives. Philosophers' Imprint, 2021. draft published

Subclausal Local Contexts (with Amir Anvari). Journal of Semantics, 2021. draft published

Revisionist Reporting (with Harvey Lederman).  Philosophical Studies, 2021. draft published

Demonstratives, Definite Descriptions and Non-redundancy. Philosophical Studies, 2020. draft  published

Embedded Attitudes (with  Ben Holguín). Journal of Semantics, 2019. draft  published

Counterfactual Attitudes and The Relational Analysis. Mind, 2018. draft  published

Ultra-Liberal Attitude Reports (with  Ben Holguín). Philosophical Studies, 2018. draft  published

Ignorance Implicatures and Non-doxastic Attitude Verbs. Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium, 2017. draft  published