

(1) J.F. Kurose and K.W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 8th Edition, Pearson, 2020

(2) K.W. Ross, Multiservice Loss Networks for Broadband Telecommunications Networks, Springer-Verlag, 1995

Reinforcement Learning (2018 to present)

Li Guo, Keith Ross, Zifan Zhao, George Andriopoulos, Shuyang Ling, Yufeng Xu, Zixuan Dong, Cross-Entroply versus Label Smoothing: A Neural Collapse Perspective, arXiV 2402.03979, 2024

Zecheng Wang, Che Wang, Zixuan Dong, Keith Ross, Pre-training with Synthetic Data Helps Offline Reinforcement Learning, arXiv 2310.00771, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024

Che Wang, Xufang Luo, Keith Ross, Dongsheng Li, VRL3: A Data-Driven Framework for Visual Deep Reinforcement Learning,  NeurIPS, 2022

Che Wang, Shuhan Yuan, Kai Shao, Keith Ross, On the Convergence of the Monte Carlo Exploring Starts Algorithm, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2022

Yanqiu Wu, Xinyue Chen, Che Wang, Yiming Zhang, Aggressive Q-Learning with Ensembles: Achieving Both High Sample Efficiency and High Asymptotic Performance, NeurIPS (workshop on deep reinforcement learning), 2022

Yiming Zhang and Keith Ross, On-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Average-Reward Criterion, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021

Xinyue Chen, Che Wang, Zijian Zhou, Keith Ross, Randomized Ensembled Double Q-Learning: Learning Fast without a Model, International Conference on Learning Representations  (ICLR), 2021

Yiming Zhang, Quon Voung, Keith Ross, First Order Constrained Optimization in Policy Space, NeurIPS (spotlight paper), 2020

Xinyue Chen, Zijian Zhou, Zheng Wang, Che Wang, Yanqiu Wu, Keith Ross, Best Action Imitation Learning for Batch Reinforcement Learning, NeurIPS, 2020

Che Wang, Yanqiu Wu, Quan Vuong, Keith Ross, Towards Simplicity in Deep Reinforcement Learning: Streamlined Off-Policy Learning, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020

Quan Vuong, Yiming Zhang, Keith W. Ross, Supervised Policy Update for Deep Reinforcement Learning, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2019. 

Yiming Zhang, Quan Ho Vuong, Kenny Song, Xiao-Yue Gong, Keith W. Ross, Efficient Entropy for Policy Gradient with Multidimensional Action Space, International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) workshop, 2018

Internet Privacy and Social Networks (2014-2018)

Haizhong Zheng, Minhui (Jason) Xue, Hao Lu, Shuang Hao, Haojin Zhu, Xiaohui Liang, and Keith Ross, Smoke Screener or Straight Shooter: Detecting Elite Sybil Attacks in User-Review Social Networks, Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), 2018

Yanqiu Wu, Tehila Minkus, Keith W. Ross, Taking the Pulse of US College Campuses with Location-Based Anonymous Mobile Apps, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST), October 2017

M. Xue, C.L. Ballard, C.L. Nemelka,  K. Liu. A. Wu, K.W. Ross, H. Qian, You Can Yak but You Can’t Hide: Localizing Anonymous Social Network Users, ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2016

M. Xue, G. Magno, E. Cunha, V. Almeida, and K,W. Ross, The Right to be Forgotten in the Media: A Data-Driven Study, 16th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), 2016

S.T. Peddinti, K.W. Ross, J. Cappos, Finding Sensitive Accounts on Twitter: An Automated Approach Based on Follower Anonymity, International Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM (poster paper), 2016 (extended paper)

T. Minkus, Y. Ding, R. Dey, K.W. Ross, The City Privacy Attack: Combining Social Media and Public Records for Detailed Profiles of Adults and Children, ACM Conference on Online Social Networks (COSN), 2015

T. Minkus, K. Liu, K.W. Ross, Children Seen But Not Heard: When Parents  Compromise Children's Online Privacy, 24th World Wide Web Consortium (WWW'2015), 2015

J. Xue, Y. Liu, K.W. Ross, H. Qian, I know Where You Are: Thwarting Privacy Protection in Location-Based Social Discovery Services, IEEE Infocom Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data, 2015

S.T. Peddinti, K.W. Ross, J. Cappos, On the Internet, Nobody Knows You’re a Dog": A Twitter Case Study of Anonymity in Social Networks, ACM Conference on Online Social Networks (COSN), 2014

R.Dey, M. Nangia, K.W. Ross, Y. Liu, Estimating Heights from Photo Collections: A Data-Driven Approach, ACM Conference on Online Social Networks (COSN), 2014

T. Minkus and K.W. Ross, I Know What You're Buying: Privacy Breaches on eBay, Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETS), 2014

A. Chaabane, Y. Ding, R. Dey, M. A. Kaafar, K. W. Ross, A Closer Look at Third-Party OSN Applications: Are They Leaking Your Personal Information?, Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), 2014

Y. Ding, S.T. Peddinti, K.W. Ross, Stalking Beijing From Timbuktu: A Generic Measurement Approach for Exploiting Location-Based Social Discovery, Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones & Mobile Devices, 2014

Computer Networking and Peer-to-Peer Systems (1996-2013)


R. Dey, Y. Ding, K.W. Ross, The High-School Profiling Attack: How Online Privacy Laws Can Actually Increase Minors Risk, ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2013(Short version appeared in HotPets, July 2013)

G. Tian, Y. Xu, Y. Liu and K.W. Ross, Mechanism Design for Dynamic P2P Streaming, IEEE P2P, 2013

Y. Xu, Y. Liu and K.W. Ross, Capacity Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Adaptive Streaming, IEEE P2P, 2013

Y. Tian, R. Dey, Y. Liu, K.W. Ross, China's Internet: Topology Mapping and Geolocating, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 24, 2013 (Short version appeared in Infocom Mini-Conference 2012, Orlando, 2012)


Z. Liu, Y. Ding, Y. Liu, K.W. Ross, Peer-Assisted Distribution of User Generated Content, IEEE P2P, Tarragona, 2012

Z. Jelveh and K.W. Ross, Profiting From Filesharing: A Measurement Study of Economic Incentives in Cyberlockers, IEEE P2P, Tarragona, 2012

R. Dey, Z. Jelveh, K.W. Ross, Facebook Users Have Become Much More Private: A Large-Scale Study, 4th IEEE International Workshop on Security and Social Networking (SESOC), Lugano, Switzerland, 2012

P. Dhungel, K.W. Ross, M. Steiner., Y. Tian, X. Hei, Xunlei: Peer-Assisted Download Acceleration on a Massive Scale, Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM) 2012, Vienna, 2012

R. Dey, T. Cong, K.W. Ross, N. Saxena, Estimating Age Privacy Leakage in Online Social Networks, IEEE Infocom Mini-Conference 2012, Orlando, 2012


S. LeBlond, C. Zhang, A. Legout, K.W. Ross, W. Dabbous, I Know Where You are and What You are Sharing:Exploiting P2P Communications to Invade Users’ Privacy, Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2011, Berlin, 2011

Y.Ding, Y. Du, Y. Hu, Z. Liu, L. Wang, K.W. Ross, A. Ghose, Broadcast Yourself: Understanding YouTube Uploaders, Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2011, Berlin, 2011

C. Zhang, C. Huang, K.W. Ross, D.A. Maltz, J. Li, Inflight Modifications of Content: Who are the Culprits?, Workshop of Large-Scale Exploits and Emerging Threats (LEET'11), Boston, 2011

C. Zhang, C. Huang, P.A. Chou, J. Li, S. Mehrotra, K.W. Ross, H. Chen, F. Livni, J. Thaler, Pangolin: Speeding up Concurrent Messaging for Cloud-Based Social Gaming, CoNEXT 2011, Tokyo, 2011

Y.A Wang, C. Huang, J. Li, K.W. Ross, Estimating the Performance of Hypothetical Cloud Service Deployments: A Measurement-Based Approach, Infocom 2011, Shanghai, 2011

C. Zhang, P. Dunghel, D. Wu, K.W. Ross, Unraveling the BitTorrent Ecosystem, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 22, Number 7, July 2011

Dhungel, X. Hei, D. Wu, K.W. Ross, A Measurement Study of Attacks on BitTorrent Seeds, ICC, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.

C. Tang, K.W. Ross, N. Saxena, R. Chen, A Name-Centric Approach to Gender Inference in Online Social Networks, Workshop on Social Networks and Social Media Mining on the Web (SNSMW), Hong Kong, 2011


C. Huang, N. Holt, Y.A. Wang, A. Greenberg, J. Li, K.W. Ross, A DNS Reflection Method for Global Traffic ManagementUSENIX, Boston, 2010

Z. Liu,  P. Dhungel, Di Wu, C. Zhang, and K.W. Ross, Understanding and Improving Incentives in Private P2P Communities, ICDCS, Genoa, Italy, 2010

C. Zhang, P. Dhungel, Di Wu, Z. Liu, and K.W. Ross, BitTorrent Darknets, Infocom, San Diego, 2010

Z. Liu, Y. Liu, H. Hu, K.W. Ross, Y. Wang, M. Mobius, P2P Trading in Social Networks: The Value of Staying Connected, Infocom, San Diego, 2010

A. Pathak, Y. A. Wang, C. Huang, A. Greenberg, Y. C. Hu, J. Li, K. W. Ross, Measuring and Evaluating TCP Splitting for Cloud Services, Passive and Active Measurement Conf (PAM), Zurich, 2010

D. Wu, C. Tang, P. Dunghel, N. Saxena, K.W. Ross, On the Privacy of Peer-Assisted Distribution of Security Patches, IEEE P2P, Delft, 2010

D. Wu, P. Dhungel, X. Hei, C. Zhang, K.W. Ross, Understanding Peer Exchange in BitTorrent SystemsIEEE P2P, Delft, 2010

P. Dunghel, M. Steiner, I. Rimac, V. Hilt, K.W. Ross, Waiting for Anonymity: Understanding Delays in the Tor Overlay, IEEE P2P, Delft, 2010


D. Wu, Y. Liu, K.W. Ross, Queuing Network Models for Multi-Channel Live Streaming Systems, Infocom, Rio de Janeiro,  2009. Awarded Best  Paper

Z. Liu, Y. Shen, K.W. Ross, S. Panwar, Y. Wang, LayerP2P: Using Layered Video Chunks in P2P Live Streaming, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, November 2009. 2011 Best Paper in Multimedia Communications (Awarded by the IEEE Communications Society for papers published in 2009-2011.)

D. Wu, C. Liang, Y. Liu, K.W. Ross, View-Upload Decoupling: A Redesign of Multi-Channel Video Streaming Systems, Infocom Mini-Conference, Rio de Janeiro,  2009

F. Benevenuto, T. Rodrigues, V. Almeida, J. Almeida, and K.W. Ross, Video Interactions in Online Social Networks, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP), Volume 5 , Issue 4, October 2009.

C. Huang, A. Wang, J. Li, K.W. Ross, Queen: Estimating Packet Loss Rate Between Arbitrary Internet hosts, Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) Conference, Seoul, 2009


Z. Liu, Y. Shen, K.W. Ross, K.W. Ross, S. Panwar, Y. Wang, Substream Trading: Towards an Open P2P Live Streaming System, International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Orlando, 2008

C. Huang, J. Li, Angela Wang and K.W. Ross, Understanding Hybrid CDN-P2P: Why Limelight Needs its Own Red Swoosh, NOSSDAV, Braunschweig, Germany, 2008

P.Dhungel, D. Wu, B. Schonhorst, K.W. Ross, A Measurement Study of Attacks on BitTorrent Leechers, IPTPS, 2008

F. Benevenuto, F. Duarte, T. Rodrigues, V. Almeida, J. Almeida, and K.W. Ross, Understanding Video Interactions in YouTube, ACM Multimedia, Vancouver, 2008

F. Benevenuto, T. Rodrigues, V. Almeida, J. Almeida, C. Zhang and K.W. Ross, Identifying Video Spammers in Online Social Networks, Fourth International Workshop on Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web, Beijing,  2008

C. Huang, A. Wang, J. Li, K.W. Ross, Measuring and Evaluating Large-Scale CDNs, full paper accepted to Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Greece, 2008 (withdrawn by request of Microsoft Management)


C. Huang, J. Li and K.W. Ross, Can Internet VoD be Profitable?, Sigcomm, Kyoto, 2007. (Short version appeared in IPTPS'07, Redmond, 2007)

X. Hei, Y. Liu, K.W. Ross, Inferring Network-Wide Quality in P2P Live Streaming SystemsIEEE JSAC, special issue on P2P Streaming, December 2007  2008 Best Paper in Multimedia Communications (Awarded by the IEEE Communications Society for papers published in 2006 and 2007.)

X. Hei, C. Liang, J. Liang, Y. Liu and K.W. Ross, A Measurement Study of a Large-Scale P2P IPTV System, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, December 2007. Short version: Insights into PPLive: A measurement study of a large-scale P2P IPTV system, in Workshop on Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) Services over World Wide Web in conjunction with WWW2006, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2006.

R. Kumar, Y. Liu, and K. W. Ross, Stochastic Fluid Theory for P2P Streaming SystemsInfocom, Anchorage, Alaska, 2007.

J. Kangasharju, K.W. Ross, D. Turner, Optimizing File Availability in Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution, Infocom, Anchorage, Alaska, 2007

Y. Shen, Z. Liu, S. Panwar, K. W. Ross, Y. Wang, Efficient Substream Encoding for P2P Video on Demand, 16th Packet Video Workshop, Lausanne, 2007

P. Dhungel, X. Hei, K. W. Ross, N. Saxena, The Pollution Attack in P2P Live Video Streaming: Measurement Results and Defenses, Sigcomm P2P-TV Workshop, Kyoto, 2007

Z. Liu, Y. Shen, , S. Panwar, K.W. Ross, Y. Wang, P2P Video Live Streaming with MDC: Providing Incentives for Redistribution, International Conference on Multimedia Expo (ICME), Beijing, 2007


J. Liang, N. Naoumov, and K.W. Ross, The Index Poisoning Attack in P2P File-Sharing Systems, Infocom 2006, Barcelona, 2006

R. Kumar, D. Yao, A. Bagchi, K.W. Ross, D. Rubenstein, Fluid Modeling of Pollution Proliferation in P2P Networks, ACM Sigmetrics 2006, St. Malo, France, 2006

N. Naoumov, and K.W. Ross, Exploiting P2P Systems for DDoS Attacks, International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Information Management (keynote address), Hong Kong, May 2006

Shen, Z. Liu, S. Panwar, K.W. Ross, Y. Wang, On the Design of Prefetching Strategies in a Peer-Driven Video-on-Demand System, ICME 2006, Toronto, 2006

R. Kumar and K.W. Ross, Optimal Peer-Assisted File Distribution: Single and Multi-Class ProblemsIEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Web Systems and Technologies (HOTWEB), Boston, 2006.

J. Kangasharju, K.W. Ross, D. Turner, Adaptive Content Management in Structured P2P Communities, Infoscale 2006, Hong Kong, 2006


J. Liang, R. Kumar, Y. Xi, K.W. Ross, Pollution in P2P File Sharing Systems, Infocom, Miami, 2005

Micah Adler, Rakesh Kumar, Keith Ross, Dan Rubenstein, and David Yao, Optimal Peer Selection for P2P Downloading and Streaming, Infocom, Miami, 2005

F. Clevenot, P. Nain and K.W. Ross, Stochastic Fluid Models for Cache Clusters, Performance Evaluation, Volume 59, Issue 1, pp.1-18, 2005

J. Liang, R. Kumar, and KW. Ross, The Kazaa Overlay: A Measurement Study, Computer Networks (Special Issue on Overlays), 2005

F. Clevenot, P. Nain and K.W. Ross, Multiclass P2P Networks: Static Resource Allocation for Bandwidth for Service Differentiation and Bandwidth Diversity, Performance, Juan-les-Pins, 2005.

Y. Shen, Z. Liu, S. S. Panwar, K. W. Ross, and Y. Wang, Streaming Layered Encoded Video Using Peers, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July 2005

J. Liang, N. Naoumov, and K.W. Ross, Efficient Blacklisting and Pollution-Level Estimation in P2P File-Sharing Systems (keynote speaker), Asian Internet Engineering Conference, Bangkok, December, 2005


P. Felber, E. Biersack, L. Garces-Erce, K.W. Ross, G. Urvoy-Keller, Data Indexing and Querying in P2P DHT Networks, ICDCS, Tokyo, Japan, 2004

P. Decuetos and K.W. Ross, Unified Framework for Optimal Video Streaming, Infocom 2004, Hong Kong, February 2004

D.A. Turner and K.W. Ross, A Lightweight Currency Paradigm for the P2P Resource Market, Seventh International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research, Dallas,  2004.

X. Xu, Y. Wang, S. P. Panwar, and K. W. Ross, A Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand System using Multiple Description Coding and Server Diversity, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Oct. 2004


P. Decuetos and K.W. Ross, Optimal Streaming of Layered Video: Joint Scheduling and Error Concealment, ACM Multimedia 2003, San Francisco, November 2003

K.W. Ross, Asynchronous Voice: A Personal Account, IEEE Multimedia Magazine, pp. 70-74, April/June 2003

L. Garces-Erce, K.W. Ross, E. Biersack, P. Felber, G. Urvoy-Keller, TOPLUS: Topology Centric Lookup Service, Fifth International Workshop on Networked Group Communications (NGC'03), Munich, September 2003. Awarded Best Paper

L. Garces-Erce, E. Biersack, P. Felber, K.W. Ross, G. Urvoy-Keller, Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Systems, 2003, Euro-Par 2003, Klagenfurt, Austria

J. Kangasharju, K.W. Ross, D. Turner, Secure and Resilient P2P E-Mail: Design and Implementation, Third International Conference on P2P Computing, Linkoping, Sweden, September 2003

D. Turner and K.W. Ross, Adaptive Streaming of Layer-Encoded Multimedia Presentations, Special issue on multimedia communications in Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Volume 34, May, 2003


M. Reisslein, K. W. Ross, and S. Rajagopal, Guaranteeing Statistical QoS to Regulated Traffic, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, pp. 27-42, February 2002

S. Rajagopal, M. Reisslein and K.W. Ross, Packet Multiplexers with Adversarial Regulated Traffic, Computer Communications, pp. 239-253, February 2002 (short version appeared in IEEE Infocom, 1998, San Francisco)

J. Kangasharju, K.W. Ross and J.W. Roberts, Object Replication Strategies in Content Distribution Networks, Computer Communications, pp. 27-42, February 2002.

J. Kangasharju, F. Hartanto, M. Reisslein, K.W. Ross, Distributing Layered Encoded Video through Caches, IEEE Transactions on Computers, pp. 622-636, June 2002 (Short version appeared in Proceedings of Infocom 2001, Anchorage)

P. Decuetos, P. Guillotel, K.W. Ross, and D. Thoreau, Implementation of Adaptive Streaming of Stored MPEG-4 FGS Video over TCP, International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2002

P. Decuetos and K.W. Ross, Adaptive Rate Control for Streaming Fine-Grain Scalable Video, International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), Miami, May 2002


J. Kangasharju, K.W. Ross and J.W. Roberts, Performance Evaluation of Redirection Schemes in Content Distribution Networks, Computer Communications, February 2001. (Short version appeared in Fifth International Workshop on  Web Caching, Lisbon, June 2000)

F. Hartanto, M. Reisslein, K.W. Ross, Interactive Video Streaming with Proxy Servers, Information Sciences, an International Journal, pp. 3-31, December 2001

P. Decuetos, D. Saparilla and K.W. Ross, Adaptive Streaming of Stored Video in a TCP-Friendly Context: Multiple Versions or Multiple Layers, International Packet Video Workshop, Kyongju, Korea, April, 2001

D. Turner and K.W. Ross, A Comprehensive Architecture for Continuous Media E-mail on the Internet, IEEE Multimedia Magazine, Apr/Jun 2001


D. Saparilla and K.W. Ross, Optimal Streaming of Layered Encoded Video, Infocom, Tel Aviv, 2000

J. Kangasharju and K.W. Ross, Replicating the DNS using Satellite Broadcast, Infocom, Tel Aviv, 2000

D. Saparilla and K.W. Ross, Streaming Stored Continuous Media over Fair-Share BandwidthInternational Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), Chapel Hill, 2000.

D. Turner and K.W. Ross, Optimal Streaming of a Synchronized Multimedia Presentation with Layered Objects, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), New York, 2000.

D. Turner and K.W. Ross, Continuous Media E-mail on the Internet: Infrastructure Inadequacies and a Sender-Side Solution, IEEE Network Magazine, Jul/Aug 2000.


D. Saparilla, K.W. Ross, and M. Reisslein, Periodic Broadcasting with VBR-Encoded Video, Infocom, New York City, 1999

M. Reisslein, K. W. Ross, and S. Rajagopal, Guaranteeing Statistical QoS to Regulated Traffic: The Single Node Case, Infocom, 1999

J. Kangasharju, K.W. Ross and J.W. Roberts, Locating Copies of Objects Using the Domain Name System, 4th International Web Caching Workshop, San Diego, 1999

M. Reisslein, K.W. Ross and S. Shesthra, Striping for Interactive Video: Is it Worth It?, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems ICMCS'99, Forence, Italy, 1999

D. Turner and K.W. Ross, Asynchronous Audio Conferencing on the Web, International Symposium on Intelligent Media and Distance Education, Baden-Baden, Germany, 1999


P. Rodriguez, K.W. Ross and E. Biersack, Improving the WWW: Caching or Multicast, Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 30, November 1998

M. Reisslein and K.W. Ross, High-Performance Prefetching Protocols for VBR Prerecorded VideoIEEE Networking Magazine, pp. 46-55, November/December, 1998.

M. Reisslein and K.W. Ross and V. Verrillotte, Decentralized Prefetching for VBR Video on Demand ,Proceedings of ECMAST' 98, Berlin, Germany, May 1998.

J. McManus and K.W. Ross, A Dynamic Programming Methodology for Managing Prerecorded VBR Sources in  Packet-Switched Networks, Telecommunications Systems, Vol. 9, 1998..

M. Reisslein, K. W. Ross, and S. Rajagopal, Guaranteeing Statistical QoS to Regulated Traffic: The Multinode CaseProceedings of 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Tampa, December 1998


K.W. Ross, Hash-Routing for Collections of Shared Web Caches, IEEE Network Magazine, Nov-Dec 1997

M. Reisslein and K.W. Ross, Join-the-Shortest-Queue Prefetching for VBR Encoded Video on Demand , 1997 International Conference on Networking Protocols (ICNP),  Atlanta, November, 1997

M. Reisslein and K. W. Ross, Call Admission for Prerecorded Sources with Packtet Loss, IEEE Journal on Selected Advances in Communications (JSAC), pp. 1167-1180, August 1997

K.W. Ross and J. Wang, Implementation of Monte Carlo Integration for the Analysis of Product-Form Queueing Networks, Performance Evaluation, pp. 273-292, May 1997


J. Mc Manus, K.W. Ross, Video on Demand over ATM : Constant-Rate Transmission and Transport, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Vol. 14, pp. 1087-1098, 1996.

Markov Decision Processes and Queuing Theory (1985-1995)


J. Filar and D. Krass and and K.W. Ross, Percentile Performance Criteria for Limiting Average Markov Decision Processes, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 40, pp. 2-10, 1995.

S. Gupta and K.W. Ross and M. El Zarki, On Routing in ATM Networks, book chapter in Routing in Communication Networks, pp. 49-74, Prentice Hall, 1ed. M. Steenstrup, 1995


J. Wang and K.W. Ross, Asymptotic Analysis of Multiclass Queuing Networks in Normal and Critical Usage, Queuing Systems: Theory and Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 167-191, 1994.

K.W. Ross and D.K. Tsang and J. Wang, Monte Carlo Summation and Integration Applied to Multichain Queueing Networks, Journal for the Association of Computing Machinery (JACM), Vol. 41, pp. 1110-1135, 1994.

B. Baynat and Y. Dallery and K.W. Ross, A Non-MVA Method for the Approximate Analysis of Multi-Server, Multi-Class BCMP Networks, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 48, pp. 273-294, 1994.


K.W. Ross and J. Wang, Asymptotically Optimal Importance Sampling for Multiclass Queueing Networks, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Vol. 3, pp. 244-268, 1993.

S. Rajasekaran and K.W. Ross, Fast Algorithms for Generating Discrete Random Variates with Changing Distributions, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, Vol. 3, pp. 1-19, 1993.

S-P. Chung and A. Kashper, and K.W. Ross, Computing Approximate Blocking Probabilities for Large Loss Networks with State-Dependent Routing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 1, pp. 105-115,1993.

S.P. Chung and K.W. Ross, Reduced Load Approximations for Multirate Loss Networks, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 41, 1993, pp. 1222-1231.


K.W. Ross and J. Wang, Monte Carlo Summation Applied to Product-Form Loss Networks, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Vol. 6, pp. 323-348, 1992.

M. Baykal-Gursoy and K.W. Ross, Variability Sensitive Markov Decision Processes, Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 17, pp. 558-571, 1992.

S. Gupta and K.W. Ross, Performance Modeling of Heterogeneous Data Networks, Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 35, 1992, pp. 125-151.


K.W. Ross and D.D. Yao, Optimal Load Balancing and Scheduling in a Distributed Computer System, J. Association for Computing Machinery (JACM), Vol. 38, pp. 676-690, 1991

S.P. Chung and K.W. Ross, On Nonblocking Multirate Interconnection Networks, SIAM Journal on Computing, Vol. 20, pp. 726-736, 1991.

K. W. Ross and R. Varadarajan, Multichain Markov Decision Processes with a Sample-Path Constraint: A Decomposition Approach, Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 16, pp. 195-207, 1991

S. Gupta and K.W. Ross, The Modeling and Optimization of Interconnected Ethernets,  Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications (QUESTA), Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 726-736, 1991. (Short version appeared in Infocom 1991.)


K.W. Ross and D. Tsang, Teletraffic Engineering for Product Form Circuit-Switched Networks, Advances in Applied Probability, Vol. 22, pp. 657-675, 1990

D. Tsang and K.W. Ross, Algorithms to Determine Exact Blocking Probabilities in Multirate Tree Networks, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 38, No. 8, pp. 1266-1271, 1990.

K.W. Ross and D.D. Yao,  Monotonicity Properties of the Stochastic Knapsack, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 36, pp. 1173-1179, 1990.


K. W. Ross and R. Varadarajan, Markov Decision Processes with Sample-Path Constraints: The Communicating Case, Operations Research, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 780-790, 1989

K. W. Ross, Randomized and Past-Dependent Policies for Markov Decision Processes with Multiple Constraints, Operations Research, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 474-477, 1989

K. W. Ross and D. D. Yao, Optimal Dynamic Scheduling in Jackson Networks, IEEE Automatic Control, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp.. 47-53, 1989

K.W. Ross and D. Tsang, Optimal Circuit Access Control Policies in an ISDN Environment: A Markov Decision Approach, IEEE Trans. on Communications, Vol. 37, No. 9, pp. 934-939, 1989.

K.W. Ross and D. Tsang, The Stochastic Knapsack Problem, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 37, No. 7, pp. 740-747, 1989


K. W. Ross and B. Chen, Optimal Scheduling of Interactive and Noninteractive Traffic in Telecommunication Systems, IEEE Automatic Control, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 261-267, 1988


F. J. Beutler and K. W. Ross, Uniformization for Semi-Markov Decision Processes under Stationary Policies, Journal of Applied Probability, Vol. 24, pp. 644-656, 1987

M. Hofri and K. W. Ross, On Optimal Control of Two Queues with Server Setup Times and Its Analysis, SIAM Journal of Computing, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 399-420, 1987


F. J. Beutler and K. W. Ross, Time-Average Optimal Constrained Semi-Markov Decision Processes, Advances in Applied Probability,  Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 341-359, 1986

P. Nain and K. W. Ross, Optimal Priority Assignment with Constraint, IEEE Automatic Control, Vol. 31, No 10, pp. 883-888, 1986

P. Nain and K. W. Ross, Optimal Multiplexing of Heterogeneous Traffic with Hard Constraint, ACM Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 14, No 1 pp. 100-108, 1986


F. J. Beutler and K. W. Ross, Optimal Policies for Controlled Markov Chains with a Constraint, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, Vol. 112, pp. 236-252, 1985

K.W. Ross, Constrained Markov Decision Processes with Queueing Applications, PhD Thesis, University of Michigan, 1985.