ICRA 2023 Forum 

[Human-centered Robotics]

Wednesday (May 31, 2023) - 3 pm 

Location: South Gallery Room 25/26 

Our Vision and Mission

Human-Centered Robotics Forum:  Advancing Connected, and Collaborative Robotic Systems for a Post-Pandemic World

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical role of robotics and automation in sustaining vital operations and delivering essential services while minimizing human contact and curbing virus transmission. As we navigate the dynamic landscape of a post-pandemic era, the demand for interactive robots in the healthcare, industry, manufacturing, and construction sectors is growing exponentially. The objective of this forum is to assemble experts dedicated to the development of interactive robots and those concentrating on human-robot cognitive and physical integration. By connecting multiple technical committees of the IEEE RAS, we aim to foster interdisciplinary collaborations that will propel the progress of human-centered robotics, catering to the needs of our intelligent and connected society.

 Keynote Speakers:

Ken Goldberg University of California, Berkeley

Marcia O'Malley, Rice University



[3:00 - 3:05] Openings

[3:05- 3:40] Plenary 1: Marcia O'Malley, Rice University

[3:40- 4:15] Plenary 2: Ken Goldberg, Berkley

[4:15 - 5:00] Panel Discussion and Closing

 Session Chairs and Organizers:

Cecilia Laschi
National University of Singapore

Ann Majewicz Fey The University of Texas at Austin,
Texas, USA.

S. Farokh Atashzar
New York University,