
NYU's Fieldwork Discussion Group is a series of informal talks on the intersection of fieldwork and theoretical linguistics. The talks are given by students, faculty, and visiting scholars in the tri-state area . We also hold workshops on fieldwork methodologies and skills, such as archiving procedures, transcription software, and audiovisual recording.

As of Fall 2019, the Fieldwork Discussion Group is held biweekly in NYU's Linguistics Department on Fridays at 3:30, in Room 104 of 10 Washington Place (unless otherwise noted in the schedule below). Talks are 45-60 minutes in length, followed by a 15 minute Q&A period.

These talks are a good opportunity for speakers to discuss their research with their interdepartmental colleagues in a relaxed, informal setting.

Please direct any questions or suggestions for possible speakers to Kate Mooney. Please also feel free to contact us if you would like to be added to our mailing list.