About Me





Program Impact

GLASS has radically changed my perspective on global issues, and for the first time in my life I feel like I can truly embody the meaning of being a "global citizen." From living in Abu Dhabi for several months and learning about cultural and engineering practices in the region, to taking internships in rural Illinois, to moving to Seattle to work for Boeing, I have lived in three very different places during my academic career- all because of GLASS. Experiences through this program have expanded my understanding of creating enieering efforts that have a global conscious, where impact is not measured only in profit or technological success, but in the livelihoods of the communities where they exist. 

Major Benefits

GLASS has several benefits but the most impactful has been the professional development it has offered. Either through means of funding, networking events, or even just career advice, I feel as though I can personally attribute obtaining two internships prior to the conclusion of my junior year of college to the opportunities provided to me by GLASS. This year, I attended the Society of Women Engineering Conference in Houston, Texas. I have attended four conferences since being in GLASS, but this one was by far the largest conference. I met new professionals and students alike, all while experiencing a really amazing city.

Personal Enjoyment

I have really enjoyed my time in the class program, not only because of all of the professional and academic growth, but mainly due to the personal growth. I have experienced things I never could previously afford and I have grown so much as a person because of these exeperiences. I have made life-long friends, travelled, taken on new and inspiring jobs, and had so much fun while doing it. GLASS is truly a one-of-a-kind program.