About me

I am  a postdoc at the Einstein Institute of Mathematics. My mentors are Cy Maor and Raz Kupferman. Previously, I was a postdoc at  IST Austria and at  TU Dresden. My mentors were  Julian Fischer and  Stefan Neukamm. I obtained a Ph.D. from Courant Institute (New York University). My advisor was Bob Kohn, and I also conducted research supervised by Sylvia Serfaty. Before that, I obtained a Licenciatura (roughly equivalent to an M.S.) from UNAM in Mexico City, where I was born and grew up. 

I am particularly curious about problems that have, on the one hand, a purely mathematical depth and complexity to them, but also a meaningful application in the natural world. I am fascinated by complex mathematical challenges that arise from seemingly simple models. So far I have worked both individually and in collaborations. My main field of research is Calculus of Variations with applications to Materials Science. Another important area in my research is Probability with applications to interacting particle systems. I am also open to thinking about problems in Applied Analysis in general. 

Here is my CV

Personal Website of David Padilla-Garza

Publications and Preprints


Conferences and seminars


David.Padilla-garza@mail.huji.ac.il   or dpg310@nyu.edu