Logic Locking Conquest 2021


Abdul Khader Thalakkattu Moosa, NYU

Student Co-Lead

Abdul Khader is a PhD student at New York working at the Centre for Cyber Security (CCS). He received his bachelors degree in Engineering Physics with minot in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India in 2020. His research broadly focus on Hardware Security with a special focus on supply chain and SoC security.

Jitendra Bhandari, NYU

Student Co-Lead

Jitendra is a Ph.D. student at the New York University Centre for Cybersecurity. He received B.Tech degree in instrumentation engineering with a minor in electronics and electrical communication engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, in 2020. His current research interest includes Hardware Security.

Benjamin Tan, University of Calgary

Coordinator -- contact: csaw-logiclocking@nyu.edu

Benjamin is an Assistant Professor at the University of Calgary. He was awarded BE(Hons) and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, in 2014 and 2019, respectively. His current research interests include security and its implications on embedded systems, digital system design, and more recently, machine learning in CAD.