Computer Vision for Science

Organizers: David Fouhey (NYU), Katie Bouman (Caltech), Subhransu Maji (UMass Amherst)

Updated Date: June 17, 2024 at CVPR 2024, All Day


Our workshop aims to bring together people working at the intersection of computer vision and the sciences. While many computer vision researchers are working at the intersection of computer vision and a science discipline, these efforts are often not highlighted at CVPR. As a result researchers remain disconnected, unaware of each others’ work, and miss opportunities to learn from each other. Early career researchers walking the poster floor of CVPR can get the mistaken impression that computer vision researchers do not work on or care about these problems. 

On the other hand, there has been  a recent surge in interest in the community in these topics, with a CVPR 2023 keynote and ICCV 2023 keynote covering AI For Science. These have been large-scale affairs that preclude focused discussions between practitioners. Given the need and considerable interest, we believe that now is the time to start having a workshop on computer vision for science.

We aim to highlight work in this space and are interested in any topic that covers both computer vision and the sciences:


8:50 AM David Fouhey: Welcoming Remarks

9:00 AM Mike Walmsley: Astronomy Foundation Models

9:30 AM Tali Treibitz: Computer Vision for Coral Science

10:00 AM Coffee Break

10:45 AM Ellen Zhong: Work at Intersection of AI and Structural Biology

11:15 AM Poster Spotlights

11:45AM Lunch

12:45 - 12:25 Lunch Poster Session (Arch 4E)

1:30PM Jacob Berv: 15K Skeletons, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Phenotype

2:00PM Yoav Schechner: Spaceborne Tomography of Cloud Microphysics for Climate Research

2:30PM Poster Spotlights

3:00PM Poster Session (Arch 4E)

3:45PM Mark Cheung: Computer Vision for Heliophysics & Astrophysics

4:15PM Sara Beery: Interactive query systems for scientific discovery in natural world data

4:45PM Aviad Levis: Physics-constrained neural fields for 3D imaging in astronomy

Confirmed Speakers

Mike Walmsley

Dunlap Fellow

University of Toronto

Tali Treibitz

Head of Marine Imaging Lab

University of Haifa

Ellen Zhong

Assistant Professor of CS

Princeton University

Mark Cheung

Science & Deputy Director

Space & Astronomy, CSIRO

Sara Beery

Assistant Professor

AI + Decision Making & CSAIL, MIT

Aviad Levis

Assistant Professor (2024)

University of Toronto

Yoav Schechner



Jacob Berv

Schmidt AI in Science Postdoc

University of Michigan

Poster List


CV4Science will be a full day workshop incorporating:

We will not have long-form workshop papers.

Poster Submission (Due by April 15th)

Based on the submissions received on April 15, we have reached our poster capacity and so cannot accept any late submissions.

Please submit information for your poster here:

In addition to authors, you will need: (a) a title, (b) brief abstract, and (c) an example figure + caption.