Computer Vision for Science 2025
Organizers: Utkarsh Mall (Columbia), Ye Zhu (Princeton), Jacob Berv (UMich), Siavash Golkar (NYU), Katie Bouman (Caltech), Subhransu Maji (UMass Amherst), David Fouhey (NYU)
Updated Date: CVPR 2025, All Day
This workshop aims to: bring together researchers working on computer vision and diverse scientific domains to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities at their intersections. The goal is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, build community within the computer vision community, and highlight progress and researchers at the interface of computer vision and the sciences.
AI advancements have become a transformative force, extending beyond their original domain to drive breakthroughs in scientific discovery—an impact highlighted by the 2024 Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry. Computer vision, as one of the core areas in AI research, offers powerful tools for analyzing data, with applications spanning a wide range of scientific fields, from accelerating discoveries in astrophysics and biology to enhancing environmental monitoring and materials science.
We aim to highlight work in this space and are interested in any topic that covers both computer vision and the sciences:
Computer vision topics in this area often include (but are not limited to): reconstruction, recognition, segmentation and counting, human-in-the loop efforts, low-shot learning, domain adaptation and sim2real, video analysis, joint design of hardware and software.
Science topics include (but are not limited to): astrophysics via a variety of instrument types (radio, light, spectropolarimetry), chemistry, biology, neuroscience, and ecology.
Schedule (Tentative)
9:15 AM Organizers: Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:30 AM Shirley Ho: Invited talk on Cosmology
10:00 AM Devis Tuia: Invited talk on Remote Sensing
10:30 AM Two invited student talks (TBD)
11:00 AM William Weaver: Invited talk on Ecology
11:30 AM Adji Bousso Dieng: Invited talk on Chemistry
12:00 - 1:30 PM Lunch & Social
1:30PM Pietro Perona: Invited talk on Perspectives on AI For Science
2:00PM Two invited student talks (TBD)
2:30PM Poster Lightning Talks
3:15PM Poster session & coffee break
4:00PM Sherrie Wang: Invited talk on Remote Sensing & Development
4:30PM Wei-Lun Chao: Invited talk on Biology
Confirmed Speakers
Shirley Ho
Professor in Cosmology
Simons Foundation & NYU
Devis Tuia
Associate Professor
William Weaver
Ph.D. candidate
University of Michigan
Adji Bousso Dieng
Assistant Professor in CS
Princeton Univeristy
Pietro Perona
Allen E. Puckett Professor in EE
Sherrie Wang
Assistant Professor
Wei-Lun Chao
Assistant Professor
Ohio State University
Poster List (TBD)
CV4Science will be a full day workshop incorporating:
Talks from a set of senior researchers at the interface betwen computer vision and science, including both computer vision researchers and domain experts
Posters from junior researchers that are selected on the basis of an extended abstract. These posters will be given a short spotlight plus a poster.
We will not have long-form workshop papers.
Poster Submission
Due date: April 25, 2025 Anywhere on Earth
Please submit information for your poster here:
In addition to authors, you will need: (a) a title, (b) brief abstract, and (c) an example figure + caption.