Graduate Stern AIS to Albert SIS FAQ

What is changing?

Stern's student information system (AIS) will be replaced by Albert SIS as the system of student records. This change will impact all Stern graduate student and course records.

Why is this change happening?

Moving to NYU’s registration and student/course information platform will provide a consistent experience for all NYU students and faculty.

Who is responsible for making this change?

This implementation is a joint project between NYU Stern, the Office of the Registrar and NYU IT. The change will impact all Stern graduate students, staff, administrators and faculty.

When is this change happening?

Implementation work is now underway, and updates will be rolled-out gradually through August 2018. Please see the timeline with dates when specific components are scheduled to be available. The Albert SIS system is expected to fully replace all Stern AIS functionality by August 2018. As new functionality becomes available, additional details and training information will be provided.

How do I get help?

If you have any questions, please email